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Effect of some Variabilities Among Quality and Tuber Size of Five Varieties of Potato crop, Newly Interdued Potato to Syria

دراسة تأثير الخواص الوراثية للصنف في حجم و نوعية درنات خمسة أصناف بطاطا مدخلة حديثاً إلى سورية

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research work was carried out in the nursery field of the Faculty of AGgriculture in Tishreen Univesity during the spring growing season of 2012, it involved studying some chemical characteristics of potato tubers of Five newly introduced varieties of potato ( Atlas, Bureen, Bomba, Rumba and Orla), in comparision with Spunta variety as a control. It was showed that the hieghest large tuber were recorded in Atlas ,Burren and Bomba. Bomba variety showed hieghest standards tubers (7.8 Kg/ m2). It was showed also the hieghest dry matter (DM=20.5 %), and Ash content (1.01%) in tubers, were recorded in Rumba variety. Bureen and Spunta varieties showed hieghest values of starch contents (14.5 % and 14.4%) respectively. While Vitamin C (VC ( , was encountered ( 19.36, 17.6, and 17.6 mg / 100g) for Rumba, Spunta and Bureen respectively. Also, the highest values for protein content (1%) and the soluble solid (5%) in tubers were found in Rumba variety.

References used
ABBAS, K.FROOQ, I.A. HAFIZ1,, AZHAR HUSSAIN1, N.A. ABBASI1AND GHULAM, S. Assessment of processing and nutritional quality of potato genotypes in Pakistan, Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 48(3),2011, 169-175
ADAMS, J. B..Raw materials quality and the texture of processed vegetables. In: Kilcast, D. (Ed.), Texture in Foods: Solid Foods, Vol. 2. Woodhead Pub. Ltd., Cambridge,2004, pp. 342-363
AMOROS, W., J. ESPINOZA AND M. BONIERBALE. Assessment of variability for processing potential in advanced potato populations. CIP Program Report, 2000, pp.185-195
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The aim of this study was comparing between three potato cultivars: "Afamia, Loulou and Tadmur" which are planted in two different times (spring time and autumn time), for the plant old age and some yield properties and some quality properties. Aft er ripping and harvesting, result showed superior Loulou to Afamia and Tadmur in most parameters at the two planting times, so the productivity of Loulou was more than Afamia by 6 ton/h in the spring and 1.6 ton/h in the autumn. For the starch and dry matter content, Loulou tubers in the two planting times contained more amount than the other cultivars, and more than the global average (%14 starch, %22 dry matter).
The research aimed at estimating the optimum size of autumn potato farms in Al-Qusir district-Homs province. A simple randomized sample of 192 farmers has been taken from five different villages. The sampled farms were divided into four classes b ased on size. The results showed that the production, return, net return and the net profit of 1 SYP/ Donnum were increased along with size of the farm .By using one way Anova, The analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences among the size of farms based on the above-mentioned measures.
This study was conducted at Abo Jarash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University In order to determine the response of three local varieties of potato (Sponta, Draja, Diamont) to salinity stress with different concentration of NaCl solutio n (0,50, 100, 150, 200 mM). The results indicated that the existence of a inverse correlation between increased concentrations of salts in the solution and the rate of plant height, leaf area, and the percentage of leaf dry weight, and the proportion K+/ Na+., and the productivity was declined with a proportional rate 22< 32, and 48% for the varieties of Sponta, Draja, Diamont, respectively. Results indicated the existence of reverse relationship between increasing salt concentration in the medium and plant height, Leaf area, dry weight of the leaves and K+/Na+ ration in addition to the decline in the productivity of studied varieties. The results also showed variations in the extent of tolerance between studied varieties to salinity stress where Sponta was the most tolerant, followed by Draja and Diamont was the less tolerant and this was reflected in terms of higher germination and increasing the mean of plant height, Leaf area and dry weight of plant.
This study aimed to compare the susceptibility of five wheat varieties Eratom, Al-Iz, Rabea, ACSAD and Om-Rabei to infestation by Khapra beetle by estimation of population density of insect phases, population reproduction rate and the loss in germ ination percentage at two levels of infestation 2 and 4 pairs/ 100 gr. grains and four storage periods 3, 6, 9 and 12 months under natural conditions. Results showed significant differences between varieties. Eratom was the most susceptible variety and the population density, population reproduction rate and loss in germination percentage were 2868.08 individual, 77.61 individual/month and 65.82%, while ACSAD was the least susceptible one and the values were 1004.91 individual, 23.88 individual/month and 47.49% respectively. Also infestation level and storage period had a significant effect on the population density, population reproduction rate and loss in germination percentage.

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