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Comparativedigital Radiographicstudy of Radiographic Bone Density Around Tooth and Implant Connected with Bridge (Rigid or Non-Rigid Connection)

دراسة مقارنة للكثافة العظمية الشعاعية حول الدعامة السنية و الزرعة المرتبطة بجسر بشكل صلب أو غير صلب

1233   0   18   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Isthe radiographic bone density bigger at the area of implant orof tooth?and is thisdensity changingafter one year of function betweentooth and implant connected with bridge? the aim of the studyis tostudythe changing of radiographic bone density during one year of radial observation of the bone area around the tooth and implant connected with bridge with 3 units(rigid or non-rigid connection) depending on digital periapical radiographic.

References used
Micsh C E. Bone Density: Akey Determinant For Clinical Success .Mospy,Inc 2005;Chapter 9: 130-141
Turkyilmaz I, McGlumphy AE. Influence of bone density on implant stability parameters and implant success: a retrospective clinical study. BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:8-32
Traini T, Degidi M, Iezzi G. Comparative evaluation of the peri-implant bone tissue mineral density around unloaded titanium dental implants. Journal of dentistry 2007; 35 : 8 4 – 9 2
rate research

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Is the changing of biomechanics between the tooth and implant affected on the homogeneity of bone surrounding the tooth and implant connected with fixed prosthesis. the aim of the study is to study the connection of bone area in both sides (mesial&distal) of tooth & implant connected with bridge(in the form of rigid or non-rigid connection) during one year of radial observation of radiographic bone density.
Background& Objective: The reduction of alveolar crestal bone density is one of the earlier signs of periimplant disease and precedes the loss of height of the alveolar crest, because of that early detection of the small changes in density is impor tant and lead to the early onset of treatment and increases its success's percentage. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of the direct conventional digital method in detection of density changes around dental implants by the mean value of the gray level of the histogram of the selected area comparing with radiographic subtraction method.
Soft laser applications continue to improve local bone mineral density which is considered the most important factor in dental implant success. This study aims to evaluate the Trabecular to Cortical bone ratio (TCr) index -as a simple easy measureme nt index- that expresses the bone mineral density. This is to be able to predict the success of dental implants. The study included 40 patients, who had a single implant in the lower molar region. The patients are divided into two groups: 20 patients had an implant with a soft laser application, i.e. GaAlAs laser (wavelength 830 nm), and 20 patients had an implant without a soft laser application. Ordinary Analog periapical radiographs were used with calibration Stepwedge of pure aluminum, a medical Dijora program was used to measure radiographically local bone density in the periapical radiographs, and a panoramic Tomography was made to study TCr and two bone density indices (thickness ratio x density ratio) and (equivalent Aluminium thickness). All were measured during the period before implantation and 3, 6, and 9 months after the implantation. The study found a strong linear correlation between the TCr and (thickness ratio x density ratio) 0.001>P, R2= 0.842 36(r = 0.8. and equivalent Aluminium thickness( 0.001> P, R2 = 0.656735, (r = 0.8). The study shows that TCr index expresses both radiographic indices which reflect the local bone density, which means that the TCr is associated with such density. Therefore, it can be used as an easy way to predict the quality of bone, and prognosticate the success of dental implants.
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