يدرس هذا البحث حكم الرقابة الشعبية في الفقه الإسلامي. و يلقي البحث الضوء على مذاهب الفقهاء في هذا الموضوع، و هم متفقون على أنها فرض كفاية يقع على عاتق أفراد المجتمع.
و يتناول البحث أدلة الفقهاء على ذلك في الآيات القرآنية، و الأحاديث النبوية، و آثار الصحابة. ثم يوضح البحث أساليب تحقيق الرقابة الشعبية.
و أخيراً يدرس البحث تاريخ نشوء الرقابة الشعبية و كيفية تطورها عبر العصور.
This research attempts to study the rule of the popularity supervision (control) in
Islamic Jurisprudence.
The study shads light on the Jurisprudent's (opinions) in this subject , and all them
agreed that it (the popularity supervision is collective duty to be at the shoulder of
society persons (individuals).
The research explains the evidences in the Quran, the traditions (hadith) and the
statements (sayings) of Companions of the prophet Mohammed.
Then , the research clarifies (explicates) the methods (ways) of achievement .
(accomplishment) the popularity supervision.
And Finally, The research study the history of rise (formation) of the popularity
supervision and the manner of development its across (over) the ages.
References used
الأحكام السلطانية (أبو يعلى)، محمد بن الحسين الفراء، تحقيق: محمد حامد الفقي، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت ، 1933 م.
إحياء علوم الدين (الغزالي)، أبو حامد محمد الطوسي الشافعي، دار القلم، بيروت.
الاستيعاب في معرفة الأصحاب(ابن عبد البر)، يوسفبن عبد الله، دار الجيل.
Legislation, in the world, moves to pay attention to the subsequent care for
convicts, and then the culprit who has committed an offense and has been sentenced
needs care during and after the implementation of his sentence to be back as a useful
This paper deals with the study condition of conditions that may accompany the
contract of sale, and his image to sell a real person or legal entity to another kind,
and excludes certain period of usefulness, and is the kind of deal his old
The subject of the option exchange of important issues in the jurisprudence of
financial transactions, as it falls under the jurisprudence of the options associated
with Palmtbaiein and needs of Islamic banks in their commercial transactions, as
This research is concerned with clarifying the conception of the “Descent
Noble Breeding of the FAMILY in the “ Divine Law” - sharia’ - . It also clarifies
the aspects that Emphasizes the supreme consideration and carefulness of the
Islamic Sharia
Islamic banks face many contemporary challenges due to the international events,
global transformations, and the attempt to restrict the growth and expansion of Islamic
banks and its extension across the whole world, as well as errors and illegal a