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An evaluation of the distribution of DO concentrations in aeration tanks at Lattakia WWTPs

تقييم توزع تراكيز الأوكسجين المنحل في أحواض التهوية في بعض محطات معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في اللاذقية

1361   0   154   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research includes monitoring the distribution of DO concentrations in the Marj Maarban and AL Ruyemih WWTPs which use different types of aeration systems (surface aerators and diffusers). Research has shown a remarkable increase in the values of DO concentrations in the studied aeration basins above 2 mg/l which means an increased electricity consumption and operational problems, in addition to the role of the natural aeration process in reducing the number of aerators operation hours. This will reflect positively on the performance of the plant and the investment cost.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يتناول البحث تقييم توزيع تراكيز الأوكسجين المنحل في أحواض التهوية في محطتي معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في اللاذقية، وهما مرج معيربان والرويمية. تستخدم المحطتان أنظمة تهوية مختلفة (مهويات سطحية وناشرات هواء). أظهرت النتائج ارتفاعًا ملحوظًا في قيم الأوكسجين المنحل عن القيمة المرجعية 2mg/l، مما يعني استهلاكًا متزايدًا للطاقة وحدوث مشاكل تشغيلية. كما تبين أن التهوية الطبيعية تلعب دورًا في تقليل عدد ساعات تشغيل المهويات، مما يحسن أداء المحطة ويقلل تكاليف الاستثمار. تم إجراء التجارب المخبرية والحقلية خلال فصول الصيف والشتاء، وتم قياس تراكيز الأوكسجين المنحل ودرجة الحرارة في نقاط مختلفة من أحواض التهوية. أظهرت النتائج أن تراكيز الأوكسجين المنحل تنخفض مع زيادة العمق في محطة مرج معيربان، بينما تزداد في محطة الرويمية. كما تبين أن تراكيز الأوكسجين المنحل تتأثر بدرجة الحرارة والطلب الحيوي للأوكسجين (BOD). خلصت الدراسة إلى أن أداء المهويات الميكانيكية في محطة مرج معيربان أفضل من أداء ناشرات الهواء في محطة الرويمية، وأوصت بتحسين استراتيجيات التهوية لتقليل استهلاك الطاقة والمشاكل التشغيلية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن البحث يقدم معلومات قيمة حول توزيع تراكيز الأوكسجين المنحل في محطات معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي، إلا أنه يمكن تحسينه في عدة جوانب. أولاً، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل نوعية المياه الداخلة وتأثير الملوثات الكيميائية. ثانيًا، كان من الأفضل تضمين تحليل اقتصادي مفصل لتكاليف التشغيل والصيانة المرتبطة بأنظمة التهوية المختلفة. ثالثًا، لم يتم تقديم حلول عملية واضحة لتحسين كفاءة التهوية بخلاف التوصيات العامة. أخيرًا، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل محطات معالجة أخرى في مناطق مختلفة للحصول على نتائج أكثر شمولية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المحطات التي تم دراستها في البحث؟

    تم دراسة محطتي معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في مرج معيربان والرويمية في اللاذقية.

  2. ما هي الأنظمة التهوية المستخدمة في المحطات المدروسة؟

    تستخدم محطة مرج معيربان مهويات سطحية ميكانيكية، بينما تستخدم محطة الرويمية ناشرات هواء.

  3. ما هي القيمة المرجعية لتركيز الأوكسجين المنحل التي تم الاعتماد عليها في الدراسة؟

    القيمة المرجعية لتركيز الأوكسجين المنحل التي تم الاعتماد عليها هي 2mg/l.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي خلصت إليها الدراسة لتحسين كفاءة التهوية؟

    أوصت الدراسة بتحسين استراتيجيات التهوية لتقليل استهلاك الطاقة، ودراسة أسباب انخفاض كفاءة عمل ناشرات الهواء في محطة الرويمية، واستخدام أجهزة مزج لمنع ترسب الكتلة الحيوية في أحواض التهوية.

References used
AMANDA, L. CARLSSON, B. Optimal aeration control in a nitrifying activated sludge Process. Water Research, Vol. 46, 2012, 2101-2110
American Public Health Association (APHA). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 18th ed., American Public Health Association. Washington,1992
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Measurement of oxygen transfer in clean water. ISBN-13: 978-0-7844-0848-3, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, 2007
rate research

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This research has included quarterly and periodically physical and chemical analysis of treatment wastewater in the Latakia countryside during year 2011 by testing three treatment plants similar in the mechanism of action and distributed in three v illages (Happit, Al-Harah, Marg Moairban). This study has included the measurement of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and determination of nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, and chloride. In this research, potentiometric using Selective Electrodes ISEs, the Visible Spectrum, and the Turbidimetry methods were used. The results showed significant differences in concentrations of the studied ions between one station to another. The highest nitrate concentrations (228.33mg/l) were recorded in Happit treatment plant especially in summer, and the highest phosphate concentrations (41.81mg/l) were in Happit treatment plant in summer. Whilst the highest sulfate concentrations which ranged between (508.67– 1157.33)mg/l were in Al-Harah treatment plant at all seasons. The highest chloride concentrations (310.33mg/l) recorded in Happit treatment plant in summer. The statistical study has demonstrated and showed high and sometimes low correlation coefficient R2 so that gives clear indications about the sources of pollution.
This research has included quarterly and periodically physical and chemical analysis of treatment wastewater in the rural areas of Latakia city during year 2011 by testing three treatment plants similar in the mechanism of action and distributed in three villages (Happit, Al-Harah, Marg Moairban). This study has included the measurement of temperature T, pH, and determination of sodium, potassium, calcium concentrations, and sodium adsorbed rate (SAR). This study was based on the potentiometrictechnic using Ion Selective Electrodes (ISEs). SAR measurements have shown that there are clear differences between autumn and other seasons, and between treatment plants. The highest values was in the Happit treatment plant in all seasons and the highest value was (88.25 mg/L) in the autumn which is much larger than the allowable limit. The highest concentrations of sodium ion were in the autumn in all treatment plants (1002.67-7130.33) mg/L, which is off limits. As for the potassium ion concentration was highest (72.46 mg/L) in Happit treatment plant in the autumn. While calcium ion concentrations in Al-Harah treatment plant was exceeded (670.33-800.00) mg/L the allowable limit in all seasons except the summer. The statistical study has demonstrated and showed strongand sometimes weak correlation coefficient R2 so that gives clear indications about the sources of pollution.
This study was performed at three plants for sewage treatment in Syrian coastal villages: al-Hara, Murj-Muairban, and Hibbeat. Dry sludge samples were collected from drying sludge basins monthly, during the period October 2011-September 2012. We d epended on different global ways to isolate the eggs from the sludge (flotation, sedimentation, filtration through special sieves). The microscopic study results of the sediment showed the presence of 5 different species of the parasitic worm-eggs, belonged taxonomically to five different species of parasitic worms, two species belonged to Nematoda: Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichura, and three species belonged to Platyhelminthes: one species of them belonged to Trematoda: Schistosoma mansoni, and the other two species belonged to cestodes: Taenia saginata, and Diphyllobothrium latum. The average number of worms eggs isolated from the dry sludge resulting from the three studied sewage treatment plants (al-Hara, Murj-Muairban, and Hibbeat) recorded relatively close values, the most number in the dry sludge resulting from the treatment plant in Hibbeat with an average 97.16% eggs/50g, then al-Hara with an average 75.08egg/50g dry sludge. Also the results showed that the isolated eggs were more diversed in Hibbeat treatment plant, this an indicator of the health status of the population in the studied sites. Study showed that the number and diversity of parasitic worm – eggs use more observed in Summer and Autumn than in Winter and Spring.
As a result of increased environmental awareness and interest in the effective protection of the environment from pollution, the restrictions have increased on the disposal of wastewater, and the need to the treatment plants has arisen to treat the wastewater prior to disposal in water bodies, whether water from either large or small communities. As a result of the importance of these facilities and cost of material massive construction, operation and maintenance. In order to facilitate the design process and calculate the initial cost it was issued some software that helps engineer in the design of the various parts of the station, and in order to choose the equipments and comparison between several alternatives in objective ways to choose the most appropriate. Some of these programs are dynamics. It has the ability to simulate the work of the treatment plant along the time and predict its efficiency and performance. STOAT is a software that aims to model and simulate wastewater and industrial wastewater treatment plant, and it is one of the newest technology that uses the latest developments in process modelling, simulation and a wide range of tools that simplifies the model building and simulation and give the results in graphics and tables, allowing us to examine the complex interactions between the various units within the station by interactive and dynamic methods and this is important for the effective design, operation and management of wastewater treatment plants. Hence, we take the coastal area as a case study where there are number of modern wastewater treatment plants of small agglomeration and is being work, as Kherbet al-Maaze wastewater treatment plant in Tartous. Using STOAT, the study shows a good efficiency and performance of Kherbet al-Maaze WWTP using (ASM1,ASAL1) models, and we could build several scenarios like arrival of high pollution load to the station in order to evaluate and predict its performance.
The activated sludge is one of the most common methods of sewage treatment , which has been studied through to find the relation between sedimentation properties and the performance of aeration units. sedimentation experiments were applied on a highl y- aerated activated sludge experimental treatment plant .Also, another experiments were applied on Marj Maerban treatment plant which is operated using the extended aeration method in order to find the Factors influencing the settling of activated sludge . These experiments were done using the Sludge volume index (SVI) ,the maximum velocity sedimentation rate (UMAX) and the time corresponding to the maximum velocity of sedimentation (TUMAX).In experimental treatment plant. We found that the sedimentation experimental parameters (Vo, n) are very sensitive and can be changed significantly with changing the values of suspended solids (MLSS) in the aeration tank. The mathematical relationships can be used to predict the value of (Vo, n) as well as designing and selecting the operating system of sludge without resorting to a conventional sedimentation tests . We also found in the extended aeration the maximum velocity sedimentation rate (UMAX) is the most important in settling process as we got some good correlation coefficients (R2) between UMAX and (TUMAX, MLSS, SVI) was at a temperature (20OC) were respectively (98, 96,98%), and when the temperature (17 OC) respectively (97,96,97%) which is almost the same values. We noticed that the sludge volume index (SVI) is closely associated with the settling parameters (UMAX, TUMAX) with the correlation coefficients were respectively (98,99%) on the temperature of (20OC) and (98,97%) on the temperature of (17OC) . Velocity sedimentation rate (UMAX) was the largest and deposition time (TUMAX) was smaller on the temperature of (20OC) Indicating an improved sedimentation with higher temperatures . Subsequently, temperature is an influential factor on deposition and It is necessary to be taken into account in the design and operation of activated sludge treatment plan.
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