نظراً إلى عدم وجود دراسات معمارية توثيقية فيما يخص المباني ذات الطابع الإداري في مدينة دمشق التي رمزت إلى عمارة محلية في مدة الانتداب الفرنسي لسورية، هدف البحث إلى عمل بحث ميداني توثيقي يسلط الضوء على أهم هذه المباني ألا
و هو بناء مؤسسة مياه عين الفيجة الذي يعد من المباني التاريخية التي تدل على فن معماري محلي متميز، صمم و شُيد بأيدي محلية، تجلت في مجموعة الخصائص المعمارية التي سلِّط الضوء عليها في متن البحث من خلال دراسة معمارية توثيقية
أبرزت هذه الخصائص وفق مراحل تحليلية، اعتمدت استخراج النسب وفق الموديول الهندسي المتكرر الذي استعمله المصمم في المساقط و الواجهات مع ظهور التناظر كسمة أساسية ميزت المسقط المنتظم و انعكس ذلك على الواجهات وصولاً إلى دراسة الحجم الكتلي ككل، مع دراسة مدى تطابق الموديول المعماري مع الموديول الإنشائي للبناء.
The Corporation Een Alfiga Building Conceder one of the historic buildings which demonstrate the art
of local architect , It was the product of local hands and reflected in a range of architectural features that
emphasize the historical identity of the building, and its importance, and that through the study of
architectural documentary which highlighting the most important of these characteristics of the building
by studying the functional relationships between the floors, and try to develop the foundations
architecture according to the stages of analysis, adopted the extraction ratios according the repetitive
geometric Module had used by the designer in the projections and interfaces with the emergence of
symmetry as an attribute of basic characterized projected regular and reflection on the interfaces down to
study the size of the mass as a whole, with study the compatibility of the architectural Module with the
construction Module of the building.
References used
علي الطنطاوي –دمشق صور من جمالها و عبر من نضالها.
Ali Altentawee –Damascus pitchers from its beauty and –Ideas from its fights
Alemran Magazine- The Regular management of the Corporation of Een Alfiga
The concept of sustainability in architecture from the
perspective of architectural thought focuses on creating a
successful relationship between the building and the user
and the environment through sustainable design principles
and the preserva
With increased attention to regional and spatial planning in the world and the need to pay
attention to modern spatial development methods, increased thinking for necessity urban
networks as a mechanism for achieving spatial development in small an
This search aims to introduce the voronoi diagram, its history and its
characteristics of space wayfinding, occupation analysis and space
evolution. In addition to introducing the most important applications in
architecture : urban planning , arch
The research aims to show the reality of small and micro-loans,
provided by the first small in Lattakia province, micro and small
business finance institution, as well as the statement of the actions
taken by the micro-finance institution to mitig
This research highlights the role of urban heritage as
powerful economic and touristic resources in addition to its role as
an essential source for community development, as well as a
basis to conserve the local culture and urban identity. The