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أخلاق القوة بين المفهوم الإسلامي و الغربي (دراسة مقارنة)

786   1   26   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Sharia
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
أغروس، روبرت أغروس - العلم في منظوره الجديد – ترجمة : كمال خلايلي – عالم . المعرفة الكويت عدد 134
د. إمام، إمام عبد الفتاح إمام – توماس هوبز فيلسوف العقلانية – دار الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع –القاهرة 1985 م / د. ط
زكريا، د. فؤاد زكريا - نيتشة – دار المعارف – القاهرة 1956 / د، ط.
مكيافللي – الأمير – ترجمة : أكرم مؤمن - مكتبة ابن سينا – القاهرة 2004 م - د. ط.
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The research aimed to demonstrate the concept of debt securitization, and the difference between conventional securitization and Islamic securitization, and the position of Islamic law of debt securitization. And there will be illustration of econ omic and accounting effects of applying it, and the relation between debt securitization and occurrence of current international financial crisis. The research concluded that Islamic law doesn't permit the monetary debt securitization (conventional securitization), and it permits commodity debt securitization within Islamic basis. And it demonstrated that conventional securitization involved in burn of current international financial crisis.
يتحدث هذا البحث عن عقوبة النفي في الفقه الإسلامي مقارنة بما هو مقرر بشأنها في القانون الوضعي السوري. و تبرز أهمية هذا البحث، من أهمية عقوبة النفي، حيث إنها العقوبة المناسبة التي تؤدي إلى اجتذاذ الجريمة و الفساد من المجتمع في بعض أنواع الجرائم. و ه ذا هو الهدف الذي يرمي إليه النظام العقابي في الفقه الإسلامي.
القوة التنفيذية للأحكام الأجنبية في سورية -مقارنة بين التشريع الوطني والمعاهدات الدولية - إن صدور حكم في بلد أجنبي لا يستلزم بالضرورة الاعتراف به في بلد اخر
Legislation, in the world, moves to pay attention to the subsequent care for convicts, and then the culprit who has committed an offense and has been sentenced needs care during and after the implementation of his sentence to be back as a useful m ember in his society. This care involves convicts' rehabilitation after the implementation of their sentences to preserve their dignity and rights. Therefore, the Positive Legislation has embraced the so-called 'Rehabilitation Institution' which is trying to treat the effects of these sanctions. This institution does not exist by that name in the Islamic Criminal Legislation. However, this research aims to compare the fixed concepts in the Islamic jurisprudence which intersect with the principles of institution of rehabilitation in the positive legislation _ especially in the Syrian Penal Code _ the research involves the rooting of the concept of rehabilitation in the Islamic jurisprudence through the systemof repentance and the concept of eligibility and justice. It also includes a statement of the method of Islamic legislation in dealing with the effects of sanctions after their implementation on the eligibility of convicts and their social status.
This research is concerned with clarifying the conception of the “Descent Noble Breeding of the FAMILY in the “ Divine Law” - sharia’ - . It also clarifies the aspects that Emphasizes the supreme consideration and carefulness of the Islamic Sharia ’ that a healthy Moslem family and its members enjoy within the ‘Divine Law’ physically psychologically and morally..

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