تعد جريمة الاتجار بالأعضاء البشرية واحدة من أكثر جرائم الاتجار بالبشر انتشارا, و يأتي ذلك بسبب مجموعة من العوامل السياسية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية التي ساعدت في هذا الانتشار. و بالنظر لما تحمله هذه الجريمة من تبعات خطيرة تتضرر منها الدولة و الأفراد على حد سواء , فقد تصدى المشرع السوري لهذه الجريمة و أفرد لها أحكاما خاصة تتناسب مع خطورتها, و تكفل حماية ضحاياها.
و يحاول هذا البحث الموجز تسليط الضوء بشيء من الإيجاز على جريمة الاتجار بالأعضاء البشرية, و البحث في ماهيتها و خصائصها و أساليب ارتكابها, و السياسة الجنائية التي اتبعها المشرع السوري في التصدي لها, كل ذلك وفق القوانين الجزائية السورية ذات الصلة , و بالأخص منها قانون مكافحة الاتجار بالأشخاص السوري ذي الرقم (3) لعام 2010, بوصفه التشريع الرئيس الناظم لجريمة الاتجار بالأعضاء البشرية, كأحد أشكال الاتجار بالبشر, في سورية.
The crime of trafficking in human organs is one of the most
prevalent human trafficking crimes ;and that comes because of the
combination of political , economic and social reasons , which
helped in the Spreading. In view of what this crime afford of serious
consequences, affected the state and the individuals at the same
time, the Syrian legislator confronted to this crime, and singled out
her special provisions commensurate with its Seriousness, and
ensure the protection of victims.
This research is trying to highlight of the crime of trafficking in
human organs, And search essence, characteristics ,methods of
committed it, and criminal policy adopted by the Syrian legislation
to address them, All of this according to the criminal laws of the
Syrian relevant, especially including anti-trafficking in persons law
Syrian promulgated by Legislative Decree No. / 3 / for the year
2010, as the main legislation governing the crime of trafficking in
human organs, as a form of trafficking in human beings, in Syria.
References used
20 jiayang fan, Can China Stop Organ Trafficking? http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk 10/1/2104
Kimberly Leonard, Exploring the Gray Area in Organ Trafficking A new documentary, “Tales from the Organ Trade,” delves into questions about kidney trafficking. 11/11/2013. http://www.usnews.com/dbimages/master/49661/300w_WalterRas sbh
ازدهار عمليات تجارة الأعضاء البشرية عند الحدود التركية السورية, .2013/4/25تاريخ .http://burathanews.com/news/192329.html
Approved a Syrian legislator protect the freedom of movement acted
involuntarily to man, expresses hereby expressly intention to move and
wander according to his will, for the exercise of its work and its rights and
other freedoms, but this does n
Trafficking in persons is a new form of slavery which The International Society
Suffering from.
The International legislator is trying to Prevent Human Trafficking Crimes By The
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Espe
Corruption is the biggest problem facing the administrative,
economic and social development of any country. Syria, like
other countries in the world, has suffered from problems of
administrative and financial corruption, whose effects have
The sexual exploitation is one of the most important and dangerous human trafficking crimes and the most prevalent worldwide; due to several reasons comes in the forefront of the development of means of communication and transportation, which facilit
nationality legal system that does not concern only the state but rather a means to
determine the population element where and is for human tool set for the distribution of
individuals internationally between states and political units, is consider