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Functional Properties of Glass Curtain Walls International and Local Examples (Damascus)

دراسة تحليلية لسمات الجدران الستارية الزجاجية (أمثلة عالمية ومحلية)

2198   4   132   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The start of glass used in architecture is for decorative purposes on the walls and ceilings, then, its use developments as a transparent windows (as in Gothic architecture), up to the greenhouses. Then, the industrial revolution came to help in the emergence of large public buildings such as buildings of railways and airports through the use of wide span and large expanses of glass in the façades to enable the entry of light to dark interior spaces. Later the international style emerged, which was most of its façades of glass, and spread to all countries, and the architecture transformed under it to timelessness and nowhere architecture. The technique of glass façades developed and grownup till the Glass Curtain Walls in recent decades, but refuse fully glazed façades by architects and environmental scientists are no longer acceptable anymore, because of a deep understanding of their various functional properties, and of the evolution of new technologies that have demonstrated the positive role of Glass Curtain Wall (aesthetically, architecturally, environmentally, socially, and structurally). This article provided a brief overview on the history of the use of the glass in architecture, concept of Glass Curtain Walls, and it’s most important systems and the most important types of glass, which used in it, to give you an idea of the available options of systems and types. Then analyzed the functional properties of the Glass Curtain Wall (glass façades), through a study of international and local examples (Damascus).

References used
Baker, N. and Steemers, K. (2000), Energy and Enviroment in Archticture, Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge
Crosbie, M.J., (2005), Curtain Walls, Hydrotechnical Construction
Elkadi, H. (2006), ‘Cultures of Glass Architecture, Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall
Gropius, W. (1965), The New Architecture and the Bauhous. London: MIT Press
Hagan, S. (2001), Taking Shape: A New Contract between Architecture and Nature, Oxford: Architectural Press
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