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Evaluating Debiasing Techniques for Intersectional Biases

تقييم تقنيات الدخل لتحيزات القتالية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Bias is pervasive for NLP models, motivating the development of automatic debiasing techniques. Evaluation of NLP debiasing methods has largely been limited to binary attributes in isolation, e.g., debiasing with respect to binary gender or race, however many corpora involve multiple such attributes, possibly with higher cardinality. In this paper we argue that a truly fair model must consider gerrymandering' groups which comprise not only single attributes, but also intersectional groups. We evaluate a form of bias-constrained model which is new to NLP, as well an extension of the iterative nullspace projection technique which can handle multiple identities.

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خلال العقد الأخير من القرن العشرين ظهرت مجموعة من المتغيرات التكنولوجية المتقدمة في مجالات نظم المعلومات المرتبطة بالحاسبات الآلية و وسائل الاتصال و ضغط البيانات و نقلها عبر شبكات الحاسب الآلي. حيث انتقلت نظم المعلومات من اعتمادها على النص و بعض الرس ومات البيانية البسيطة إلى اعتمادها على استخدام الوسائط المتعددة التي تعمل على توصيل المعلومات في أشكال مختلفة من خلال ترابط و تكامل مجموعة متباينة من التكنولوجيات المختلفة (الصوت, الصور, النص, الفيديو, ..الخ). و قد كان تطور تلك النظم في البداية مقصوراً على الاستخدام المنفرد, و لكن نظراً لأهمية نظم الاتصالات و تطور شبكة الانترنت و استخدام نظم الوسائط المتعددة من قبل مستخدمين متعددين في أماكن مختلفة من حيث الموقع الجغرافي, ظهرت أهمية المشاركة في بيانات الوسائط المتعددة, و بالتالي حتمية تداولها من خلال شبكات الحاسب الآلي. و من هنا ظهرت الحاجة إلى ظهور شبكات ذات مواصفات خاصة يمكنها التعامل مع عناصر الوسائط المتعددة بكفاءة عالية. و من جانب آخر ظهرت أهمية وجود نظم وسائط متعددة لديها القدرة على التعامل مع شبكات الحاسب الآلي. من ذلك نرى بأن هذه النظم سوف تتسم بكبر حجم بياناتها إضافة إلى الصعوبة الحقيقية في نقل هذه البيانات و خاصة عبر شبكات الحاسب. لذلك فقد دعت مشاكل تخزين أحجام كبيرة من البيانات مقارنة مع صغر سعة الأجهزة التخزينية و مشاكل نقل كميات كبيرة منها عبر الشبكات إلى تطوير تقنيات لتخفيض (اختصار) أحجام البيانات قدر الإمكان مما يساعد على توفير في المساحات التخزينية من جهة و توفير الوقت عند إرسال البيانات من جهة ثانية
The aim of this research is to evaluate the rights of taxpayers in the Syrian tax legislation, especially the Income Tax Law No. (24) for the year 2003 and its amendments, and related laws. The evaluation process includes the availability of these ri ghts from a legislative point of view, on the other hand, to ensure the extent of their application in practice by the tax administration. A set of fundamental rights have been identified and agreed to by most tax systems, in addition to the statement of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that has been adopted as a reference document in this field. These rights are the right to information, assistance, and listening, the right to appeal, the right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax, the right to certainty, the right to privacy, the right to confidentiality and confidentiality. The descriptive approach was mainly used in constructing the problem of this research and developing its hypotheses. In addition to using research tools such as personal interviews that included many employees in the tax administration, and access to some practical cases in that administration, in addition to the questionnaire that included a sample of taxpayer income. The data collected was analyzed using the SPSS statistical program and the Likert binary scale. The results of this research have shown that the Income Tax Law No. 24 of 2003 and other related laws have not explicitly, clearly and completely stipulated most of these rights, and their non-application by the tax administration. These rights are the right of the taxpayer to obtain information, assistance and listening, the right to certainty, the right of the taxpayer to pay no more than the correct amount of taxes, and the right to privacy. It also showed the important imbalance in the right to object, and stipulated the right to confidentiality only.
Sentence weighting is a simple and powerful domain adaptation technique. We carry out domain classification for computing sentence weights with 1) language model cross entropy difference 2) a convolutional neural network 3) a Recursive Neural Tensor Network. We compare these approaches with regard to domain classification accuracy and and study the posterior probability distributions. Then we carry out NMT experiments in the scenario where we have no in-domain parallel corpora and and only very limited in-domain monolingual corpora. Here and we use the domain classifier to reweight the sentences of our out-of-domain training corpus. This leads to improvements of up to 2.1 BLEU for German to English translation.
Multimodal Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) is an interesting task in natural language processing (NLP) where we use visual modalities along with a source sentence to aid the source to target translation process. Recently, there has been a lot of wo rks in MNMT frameworks to boost the performance of standalone Machine Translation tasks. Most of the prior works in MNMT tried to perform translation between two widely known languages (e.g. English-to-German, English-to-French ). In this paper, We explore the effectiveness of different state-of-the-art MNMT methods, which use various data oriented techniques including multimodal pre-training, for low resource languages. Although the existing methods works well on high resource languages, usability of those methods on low-resource languages is unknown. In this paper, we evaluate the existing methods on Hindi and report our findings.
The word "massive data" spread in 2017 and became the most common in the industry of advanced technology, it uses automated learning that allows computers to analyze past data and predict future data widely in familiar places. Non-automated learning professionals can use it too. To study the analytical method of statistical Automatic learning, it is necessary to identify the concept of artificial intelligence and its main classification and analytical techniques included and represent in automatic learning and deep learning. Automatic learning has developed thanks to some breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. It is an awareness of the efficient teaching of computers in addition to the invention of the Internet. Neural networks have an important role to play in teaching computers, such as humans, where they use data they can access to make decisions. There are many algorithms for learning about automatic learning. In our study, we demonstrate the methods and applications of automated statistical analysis, such as regression analysis, decision tree, middle method k and association analysis.

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