طرح الأسئلة حول الموقف هو خطوة متأصلة نحو فهمها.تحقيقا لهذه الغاية، نقدم مهمة توليد السؤال، والتي، بالنظر إلى ذكر مسند، تتطلب مقطع، إنتاج مجموعة من الأسئلة التي تسأل عن جميع الأدوار الدلالية المحتملة للمسند.نقوم بتطوير نموذج مرحلتين لهذه المهمة، التي تنتج أولا نموذجا سؤالا مستقلا عن السياق لكل دور ثم بمرجعه من المناسب للسياق للمرور.على عكس معظم الأساليب الموجودة في توليد السؤال، لا يتطلب نهجنا تكييف الإجابات القائمة في النص.بدلا من ذلك، نحن شرطا على نوع المعلومات للاستفسار، بغض النظر عما إذا كانت الإجابة تظهر صراحة في النص، يمكن استنتاجها منه، أو ينبغي البحث عن مكان آخر.يوضح تقييمنا أننا نولد أسئلة متنوعة ومتشددة بشكل جيد لعلم تغطية كبيرة واسعة من الأدوار الأدوار.
Asking questions about a situation is an inherent step towards understanding it. To this end, we introduce the task of role question generation, which, given a predicate mention and a passage, requires producing a set of questions asking about all possible semantic roles of the predicate. We develop a two-stage model for this task, which first produces a context-independent question prototype for each role and then revises it to be contextually appropriate for the passage. Unlike most existing approaches to question generation, our approach does not require conditioning on existing answers in the text. Instead, we condition on the type of information to inquire about, regardless of whether the answer appears explicitly in the text, could be inferred from it, or should be sought elsewhere. Our evaluation demonstrates that we generate diverse and well-formed questions for a large, broad-coverage ontology of predicates and roles.
References used
Generating high quality question-answer pairs is a hard but meaningful task. Although previous works have achieved great results on answer-aware question generation, it is difficult to apply them into practical application in the education field. Thi
Zero-shot cross-lingual information extraction (IE) describes the construction of an IE model for some target language, given existing annotations exclusively in some other language, typically English. While the advance of pretrained multilingual enc
Text generation from semantic graphs is traditionally performed with deterministic methods, which generate a unique description given an input graph. However, the generation problem admits a range of acceptable textual outputs, exhibiting lexical, sy
There has been a significant progress in the field of Extractive Question Answering (EQA) in the recent years. However, most of them are reliant on annotations of answer-spans in the corresponding passages. In this work, we address the problem of EQA
Abductive reasoning starts from some observations and aims at finding the most plausible explanation for these observations. To perform abduction, humans often make use of temporal and causal inferences, and knowledge about how some hypothetical situ