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Generating Diverse Descriptions from Semantic Graphs

توليد أوصاف متنوعة من الرسوم البيانية الدلالية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Text generation from semantic graphs is traditionally performed with deterministic methods, which generate a unique description given an input graph. However, the generation problem admits a range of acceptable textual outputs, exhibiting lexical, syntactic and semantic variation. To address this disconnect, we present two main contributions. First, we propose a stochastic graph-to-text model, incorporating a latent variable in an encoder-decoder model, and its use in an ensemble. Second, to assess the diversity of the generated sentences, we propose a new automatic evaluation metric which jointly evaluates output diversity and quality in a multi-reference setting. We evaluate the models on WebNLG datasets in English and Russian, and show an ensemble of stochastic models produces diverse sets of generated sentences while, retaining similar quality to state-of-the-art models.

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Knowledge graphs (KGs) are widely used to store and access information about entities and their relationships. Given a query, the task of entity retrieval from a KG aims at presenting a ranked list of entities relevant to the query. Lately, an increa sing number of models for entity retrieval have shown a significant improvement over traditional methods. These models, however, were developed for English KGs. In this work, we build on one such system, named KEWER, to propose SERAG (Semantic Entity Retrieval from Arabic knowledge Graphs). Like KEWER, SERAG uses random walks to generate entity embeddings. DBpedia-Entity v2 is considered the standard test collection for entity retrieval. We discuss the challenges of using it for non-English languages in general and Arabic in particular. We provide an Arabic version of this standard collection, and use it to evaluate SERAG. SERAG is shown to significantly outperform the popular BM25 model thanks to its multi-hop reasoning.
Social media is an essential tool to share information about crisis events, such as natural disasters. Event Detection aims at extracting information in the form of an event, but considers each event in isolation, without combining information across sentences or events. Many posts in Crisis NLP contain repetitive or complementary information which needs to be aggregated (e.g., the number of trapped people and their location) for disaster response. Although previous approaches in Crisis NLP aggregate information across posts, they only use shallow representations of the content (e.g., keywords), which cannot adequately represent the semantics of a crisis event and its sub-events. In this work, we propose a novel framework to extract critical sub-events from a large-scale crisis event by combining important information across relevant tweets. Our framework first converts all the tweets from a crisis event into a temporally-ordered set of graphs. Then it extracts sub-graphs that represent semantic relationships connecting verbs and nouns in 3 to 6 node sub-graphs. It does this by learning edge weights via Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks (DGCNs) and extracting smaller, relevant sub-graphs. Our experiments show that our extracted structures (1) are semantically meaningful sub-events and (2) contain information important for the large crisis-event. Furthermore, we show that our approach significantly outperforms event detection baselines, highlighting the importance of aggregating information across tweets for our task.
Short text nowadays has become a more fashionable form of text data, e.g., Twitter posts, news titles, and product reviews. Extracting semantic topics from short texts plays a significant role in a wide spectrum of NLP applications, and neural topic modeling is now a major tool to achieve it. Motivated by learning more coherent and semantic topics, in this paper we develop a novel neural topic model named Dual Word Graph Topic Model (DWGTM), which extracts topics from simultaneous word co-occurrence and semantic correlation graphs. To be specific, we learn word features from the global word co-occurrence graph, so as to ingest rich word co-occurrence information; we then generate text features with word features, and feed them into an encoder network to get topic proportions per-text; finally, we reconstruct texts and word co-occurrence graph with topical distributions and word features, respectively. Besides, to capture semantics of words, we also apply word features to reconstruct a word semantic correlation graph computed by pre-trained word embeddings. Upon those ideas, we formulate DWGTM in an auto-encoding paradigm and efficiently train it with the spirit of neural variational inference. Empirical results validate that DWGTM can generate more semantically coherent topics than baseline topic models.
Most recent studies for relation extraction (RE) leverage the dependency tree of the input sentence to incorporate syntax-driven contextual information to improve model performance, with little attention paid to the limitation where high-quality depe ndency parsers in most cases unavailable, especially for in-domain scenarios. To address this limitation, in this paper, we propose attentive graph convolutional networks (A-GCN) to improve neural RE methods with an unsupervised manner to build the context graph, without relying on the existence of a dependency parser. Specifically, we construct the graph from n-grams extracted from a lexicon built from pointwise mutual information (PMI) and apply attention over the graph. Therefore, different word pairs from the contexts within and across n-grams are weighted in the model and facilitate RE accordingly. Experimental results with further analyses on two English benchmark datasets for RE demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, where state-of-the-art performance is observed on both datasets.
Generative conversation systems tend to produce meaningless and generic responses, which significantly reduce the user experience. In order to generate informative and diverse responses, recent studies proposed to fuse knowledge to improve informativ eness and adopt latent variables to enhance the diversity. However, utilizing latent variables will lead to the inaccuracy of knowledge in the responses, and the dissemination of wrong knowledge will mislead the communicators. To address this problem, we propose a Syntactically Diverse Adversarial Network (SDAN) for knowledge-grounded conversation model. SDAN contains an adversarial hierarchical semantic network to keep the semantic coherence, a knowledge-aware network to attend more related knowledge for improving the informativeness and a syntactic latent variable network to generate syntactically diverse responses. Additionally, in order to increase the controllability of syntax, we adopt adversarial learning to decouple semantic and syntactic representations. Experimental results show that our model can not only generate syntactically diverse and knowledge-accurate responses but also significantly achieve the balance between improving the syntactic diversity and maintaining the knowledge accuracy.

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