حاليا، هناك نوعان من الوصمات المتاحة للتركية: TR-Wordnet of Balkanet و Kenet.كما يتضمن Wordnet الأكثر شمولية للتركية، تشمل Kenet 76،757 عملية عملية.لدى Kenet العلاقات الدلالية المعدلة وترتبط ب Pwn من خلال العلاقات المتداخلة.في هذه الورقة، نقدم الإجراء الذي اعتمده في إنشاء Kenet، وإعطاء تفاصيل حول نهجنا في التعليق العلاقات الدلالية مثل ارتفاع ضغط الدم ويناقش المشكلات الخاصة باللغة التي تواجهها في هذه العمليات.
Currently, there are two available wordnets for Turkish: TR-wordnet of BalkaNet and KeNet. As the more comprehensive wordnet for Turkish, KeNet includes 76,757 synsets. KeNet has both intralingual semantic relations and is linked to PWN through interlingual relations. In this paper, we present the procedure adopted in creating KeNet, give details about our approach in annotating semantic relations such as hypernymy and discuss the language-specific problems encountered in these processes.
References used
A WordNet is a thesaurus that has a structured list of words organized depending on their meanings. WordNet represents word senses, all meanings a single lemma may have, the relations between these senses, and their definitions. Another study within
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The paper presents the project Semantic Network with a Wide Range of Semantic Relations and its main achievements. The ultimate objective of the project is to expand Princeton WordNet with conceptual frames that define the syntagmatic relations of ve
The study addressed the most important phases of Turkish foreign policy since the
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it focused on the new trends of foreign policy after the Jastice and develo