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Context-aware Decoder for Neural Machine Translation using a Target-side Document-Level Language Model

CONTOTE-AWARE TECODER الترجمة الآلية العصبية باستخدام نموذج لغة الوثيقة ذات المستوى المستهدف

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Although many end-to-end context-aware neural machine translation models have been proposed to incorporate inter-sentential contexts in translation, these models can be trained only in domains where parallel documents with sentential alignments exist. We therefore present a simple method to perform context-aware decoding with any pre-trained sentence-level translation model by using a document-level language model. Our context-aware decoder is built upon sentence-level parallel data and target-side document-level monolingual data. From a theoretical viewpoint, our core contribution is the novel representation of contextual information using point-wise mutual information between context and the current sentence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on English to Russian translation, by evaluating with BLEU and contrastive tests for context-aware translation.

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In a real-time simultaneous translation setting and neural machine translation (NMT) models start generating target language tokens from incomplete source language sentences and making them harder to translate and leading to poor translation quality. Previous research has shown that document-level NMT and comprising of sentence and context encoders and a decoder and leverages context from neighboring sentences and helps improve translation quality. In simultaneous translation settings and the context from previous sentences should be even more critical. To this end and in this paper and we propose wait-k simultaneous document-level NMT where we keep the context encoder as it is and replace the source sentence encoder and target language decoder with their wait-k equivalents. We experiment with low and high resource settings using the ALT and OpenSubtitles2018 corpora and where we observe minor improvements in translation quality. We then perform an analysis of the translations obtained using our models by focusing on sentences that should benefit from the context where we found out that the model does and in fact and benefit from context but is unable to effectively leverage it and especially in a low-resource setting. This shows that there is a need for further innovation in the way useful context is identified and leveraged.
Context-aware neural machine translation (NMT) incorporates contextual information of surrounding texts, that can improve the translation quality of document-level machine translation. Many existing works on context-aware NMT have focused on developi ng new model architectures for incorporating additional contexts and have shown some promising results. However, most of existing works rely on cross-entropy loss, resulting in limited use of contextual information. In this paper, we propose CorefCL, a novel data augmentation and contrastive learning scheme based on coreference between the source and contextual sentences. By corrupting automatically detected coreference mentions in the contextual sentence, CorefCL can train the model to be sensitive to coreference inconsistency. We experimented with our method on common context-aware NMT models and two document-level translation tasks. In the experiments, our method consistently improved BLEU of compared models on English-German and English-Korean tasks. We also show that our method significantly improves coreference resolution in the English-German contrastive test suite.
This paper describes the participation of team oneNLP (LTRC, IIIT-Hyderabad) for the WMT 2021 task, similar language translation. We experimented with transformer based Neural Machine Translation and explored the use of language similarity for Tamil- Telugu and Telugu-Tamil. We incorporated use of different subword configurations, script conversion and single model training for both directions as exploratory experiments.
Domain Adaptation is widely used in practical applications of neural machine translation, which aims to achieve good performance on both general domain and in-domain data. However, the existing methods for domain adaptation usually suffer from catast rophic forgetting, large domain divergence, and model explosion. To address these three problems, we propose a method of divide and conquer'' which is based on the importance of neurons or parameters for the translation model. In this method, we first prune the model and only keep the important neurons or parameters, making them responsible for both general-domain and in-domain translation. Then we further train the pruned model supervised by the original whole model with knowledge distillation. Last we expand the model to the original size and fine-tune the added parameters for the in-domain translation. We conducted experiments on different language pairs and domains and the results show that our method can achieve significant improvements compared with several strong baselines.
Recently a number of approaches have been proposed to improve translation performance for document-level neural machine translation (NMT). However, few are focusing on the subject of lexical translation consistency. In this paper we apply one transla tion per discourse'' in NMT, and aim to encourage lexical translation consistency for document-level NMT. This is done by first obtaining a word link for each source word in a document, which tells the positions where the source word appears. Then we encourage the translation of those words within a link to be consistent in two ways. On the one hand, when encoding sentences within a document we properly share context information of those words. On the other hand, we propose an auxiliary loss function to better constrain that their translation should be consistent. Experimental results on Chinese↔English and English→French translation tasks show that our approach not only achieves state-of-the-art performance in BLEU scores, but also greatly improves lexical consistency in translation.

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