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DeCEMBERT: Learning from Noisy Instructional Videos via Dense Captions and Entropy Minimization

ديسمبر: التعلم من مقاطع الفيديو التعليمية صاخبة عبر التسميات التوضيحية الكثيفة والقليل الانتروبي

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Leveraging large-scale unlabeled web videos such as instructional videos for pre-training followed by task-specific finetuning has become the de facto approach for many video-and-language tasks. However, these instructional videos are very noisy, the accompanying ASR narrations are often incomplete, and can be irrelevant to or temporally misaligned with the visual content, limiting the performance of the models trained on such data. To address these issues, we propose an improved video-and-language pre-training method that first adds automatically-extracted dense region captions from the video frames as auxiliary text input, to provide informative visual cues for learning better video and language associations. Second, to alleviate the temporal misalignment issue, our method incorporates an entropy minimization-based constrained attention loss, to encourage the model to automatically focus on the correct caption from a pool of candidate ASR captions. Our overall approach is named DeCEMBERT (Dense Captions and Entropy Minimization). Comprehensive experiments on three video-and-language tasks (text-to-video retrieval, video captioning, and video question answering) across five datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods. Ablation studies on pre-training and downstream tasks show that adding dense captions and constrained attention loss help improve the model performance. Lastly, we also provide attention visualization to show the effect of applying the proposed constrained attention loss.

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Lack of training data presents a grand challenge to scaling out spoken language understanding (SLU) to low-resource languages. Although various data augmentation approaches have been proposed to synthesize training data in low-resource target languag es, the augmented data sets are often noisy, and thus impede the performance of SLU models. In this paper we focus on mitigating noise in augmented data. We develop a denoising training approach. Multiple models are trained with data produced by various augmented methods. Those models provide supervision signals to each other. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the existing state of the art by 3.05 and 4.24 percentage points on two benchmark datasets, respectively. The code will be made open sourced on github.
Speech translation (ST) has lately received growing interest for the generation of subtitles without the need for an intermediate source language transcription and timing (i.e. captions). However, the joint generation of source captions and target su btitles does not only bring potential output quality advantages when the two decoding processes inform each other, but it is also often required in multilingual scenarios. In this work, we focus on ST models which generate consistent captions-subtitles in terms of structure and lexical content. We further introduce new metrics for evaluating subtitling consistency. Our findings show that joint decoding leads to increased performance and consistency between the generated captions and subtitles while still allowing for sufficient flexibility to produce subtitles conforming to language-specific needs and norms.
Recent information extraction approaches have relied on training deep neural models. However, such models can easily overfit noisy labels and suffer from performance degradation. While it is very costly to filter noisy labels in large learning resour ces, recent studies show that such labels take more training steps to be memorized and are more frequently forgotten than clean labels, therefore are identifiable in training. Motivated by such properties, we propose a simple co-regularization framework for entity-centric information extraction, which consists of several neural models with identical structures but different parameter initialization. These models are jointly optimized with the task-specific losses and are regularized to generate similar predictions based on an agreement loss, which prevents overfitting on noisy labels. Extensive experiments on two widely used but noisy benchmarks for information extraction, TACRED and CoNLL03, demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. We release our code to the community for future research.
Training NLP systems typically assumes access to annotated data that has a single human label per example. Given imperfect labeling from annotators and inherent ambiguity of language, we hypothesize that single label is not sufficient to learn the sp ectrum of language interpretation. We explore new annotation distribution schemes, assigning multiple labels per example for a small subset of training examples. Introducing such multi label examples at the cost of annotating fewer examples brings clear gains on natural language inference task and entity typing task, even when we simply first train with a single label data and then fine tune with multi label examples. Extending a MixUp data augmentation framework, we propose a learning algorithm that can learn from training examples with different amount of annotation (with zero, one, or multiple labels). This algorithm efficiently combines signals from uneven training data and brings additional gains in low annotation budget and cross domain settings. Together, our method achieves consistent gains in two tasks, suggesting distributing labels unevenly among training examples can be beneficial for many NLP tasks.
In recent years, world business in online discussions and opinion sharing on social media is booming. Re-entry prediction task is thus proposed to help people keep track of the discussions which they wish to continue. Nevertheless, existing works onl y focus on exploiting chatting history and context information, and ignore the potential useful learning signals underlying conversation data, such as conversation thread patterns and repeated engagement of target users, which help better understand the behavior of target users in conversations. In this paper, we propose three interesting and well-founded auxiliary tasks, namely, Spread Pattern, Repeated Target user, and Turn Authorship, as the self-supervised signals for re-entry prediction. These auxiliary tasks are trained together with the main task in a multi-task manner. Experimental results on two datasets newly collected from Twitter and Reddit show that our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-arts with fewer parameters and faster convergence. Extensive experiments and analysis show the effectiveness of our proposed models and also point out some key ideas in designing self-supervised tasks.

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