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On Machine Translation of User Reviews

على الترجمة الآلية لاستعراضات المستخدم

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This work investigates neural machine translation (NMT) systems for translating English user reviews into Croatian and Serbian, two similar morphologically complex languages. Two types of reviews are used for testing the systems: IMDb movie reviews and Amazon product reviews. Two types of training data are explored: large out-of-domain bilingual parallel corpora, as well as small synthetic in-domain parallel corpus obtained by machine translation of monolingual English Amazon reviews into the target languages. Both automatic scores and human evaluation show that using the synthetic in-domain corpus together with a selected sub-set of out-of-domain data is the best option. Separated results on IMDb and Amazon reviews indicate that MT systems perform differently on different review types so that user reviews generally should not be considered as a homogeneous genre. Nevertheless, more detailed research on larger amount of different reviews covering different domains/topics is needed to fully understand these differences.

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Recent studies emphasize the need of document context in human evaluation of machine translations, but little research has been done on the impact of user interfaces on annotator productivity and the reliability of assessments. In this work, we compa re human assessment data from the last two WMT evaluation campaigns collected via two different methods for document-level evaluation. Our analysis shows that a document-centric approach to evaluation where the annotator is presented with the entire document context on a screen leads to higher quality segment and document level assessments. It improves the correlation between segment and document scores and increases inter-annotator agreement for document scores but is considerably more time consuming for annotators.
Language domains that require very careful use of terminology are abundant and reflect a significant part of the translation industry. In this work we introduce a benchmark for evaluating the quality and consistency of terminology translation, focusi ng on the medical (and COVID-19 specifically) domain for five language pairs: English to French, Chinese, Russian, and Korean, as well as Czech to German. We report the descriptions and results of the participating systems, commenting on the need for further research efforts towards both more adequate handling of terminologies as well as towards a proper formulation and evaluation of the task.
Many NLP models operate over sequences of subword tokens produced by hand-crafted tokenization rules and heuristic subword induction algorithms. A simple universal alternative is to represent every computerized text as a sequence of bytes via UTF-8, obviating the need for an embedding layer since there are fewer token types (256) than dimensions. Surprisingly, replacing the ubiquitous embedding layer with one-hot representations of each byte does not hurt performance; experiments on byte-to-byte machine translation from English to 10 different languages show a consistent improvement in BLEU, rivaling character-level and even standard subword-level models. A deeper investigation reveals that the combination of embeddingless models with decoder-input dropout amounts to token dropout, which benefits byte-to-byte models in particular.
There are common semantics shared across text and images. Given a sentence in a source language, whether depicting the visual scene helps translation into a target language? Existing multimodal neural machine translation methods (MNMT) require triple ts of bilingual sentence - image for training and tuples of source sentence - image for inference. In this paper, we propose ImagiT, a novel machine translation method via visual imagination. ImagiT first learns to generate visual representation from the source sentence, and then utilizes both source sentence and the imagined representation'' to produce a target translation. Unlike previous methods, it only needs the source sentence at the inference time. Experiments demonstrate that ImagiT benefits from visual imagination and significantly outperforms the text-only neural machine translation baselines. Further analysis reveals that the imagination process in ImagiT helps fill in missing information when performing the degradation strategy.
The development of Translation Technologies, like Translation Memory and Machine Translation, has completely changed the translation industry and translator's workflow in the last decades. Nevertheless, TM and MT have been developed separately until very recently. This ongoing project will study the external integration of TM and MT, examining if the productivity and post-editing efforts of translators are higher or lower than using only TM. To this end, we will conduct an experiment where Translation students and professional translators will be asked to translate two short texts; then we will check the post-editing efforts (temporal, technical and cognitive efforts) and the quality of the translated texts.

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