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Biases continue to be prevalent in modern text and media, especially subjective bias -- a special type of bias that introduces improper attitudes or presents a statement with the presupposition of truth. To tackle the problem of detecting and further mitigating subjective bias, we introduce a manually annotated parallel corpus WIKIBIAS with more than 4,000 sentence pairs from Wikipedia edits. This corpus contains annotations towards both sentence-level bias types and token-level biased segments. We present systematic analyses of our dataset and results achieved by a set of state-of-the-art baselines in terms of three tasks: bias classification, tagging biased segments, and neutralizing biased text. We find that current models still struggle with detecting multi-span biases despite their reasonable performances, suggesting that our dataset can serve as a useful research benchmark. We also demonstrate that models trained on our dataset can generalize well to multiple domains such as news and political speeches.
Many applications require generation of summaries tailored to the user's information needs, i.e., their intent. Methods that express intent via explicit user queries fall short when query interpretation is subjective. Several datasets exist for summa rization with objective intents where, for each document and intent (e.g., weather''), a single summary suffices for all users. No datasets exist, however, for subjective intents (e.g., interesting places'') where different users will provide different summaries. We present SUBSUME, the first dataset for evaluation of SUBjective SUMmary Extraction systems. SUBSUME contains 2,200 (document, intent, summary) triplets over 48 Wikipedia pages, with ten intents of varying subjectivity, provided by 103 individuals over Mechanical Turk. We demonstrate statistically that the intents in SUBSUME vary systematically in subjectivity. To indicate SUBSUME's usefulness, we explore a collection of baseline algorithms for subjective extractive summarization and show that (i) as expected, example-based approaches better capture subjective intents than query-based ones, and (ii) there is ample scope for improving upon the baseline algorithms, thereby motivating further research on this challenging problem.
We annotate 17,000 SNS posts with both the writer's subjective emotional intensity and the reader's objective one to construct a Japanese emotion analysis dataset. In this study, we explore the difference between the emotional intensity of the writer and that of the readers with this dataset. We found that the reader cannot fully detect the emotions of the writer, especially anger and trust. In addition, experimental results in estimating the emotional intensity show that it is more difficult to estimate the writer's subjective labels than the readers'. The large gap between the subjective and objective emotions imply the complexity of the mapping from a post to the subjective emotion intensities, which also leads to a lower performance with machine learning models.

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