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Enabling open-domain dialogue systems to ask clarifying questions when appropriate is an important direction for improving the quality of the system response. Namely, for cases when a user request is not specific enough for a conversation system to p rovide an answer right away, it is desirable to ask a clarifying question to increase the chances of retrieving a satisfying answer. To address the problem of asking clarifying questions in open-domain dialogues': (1) we collect and release a new dataset focused on open-domain single- and multi-turn conversations, (2) we benchmark several state-of-the-art neural baselines, and (3) we propose a pipeline consisting of offline and online steps for evaluating the quality of clarifying questions in various dialogues. These contributions are suitable as a foundation for further research.
The availability of parallel sentence simplification (SS) is scarce for neural SS modelings. We propose an unsupervised method to build SS corpora from large-scale bilingual translation corpora, alleviating the need for SS supervised corpora. Our met hod is motivated by the following two findings: neural machine translation model usually tends to generate more high-frequency tokens and the difference of text complexity levels exists between the source and target language of a translation corpus. By taking the pair of the source sentences of translation corpus and the translations of their references in a bridge language, we can construct large-scale pseudo parallel SS data. Then, we keep these sentence pairs with a higher complexity difference as SS sentence pairs. The building SS corpora with an unsupervised approach can satisfy the expectations that the aligned sentences preserve the same meanings and have difference in text complexity levels. Experimental results show that SS methods trained by our corpora achieve the state-of-the-art results and significantly outperform the results on English benchmark WikiLarge.
Large web-crawled corpora represent an excellent resource for improving the performance of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems across several language pairs. However, since these corpora are typically extremely noisy, their use is fairly limited . Current approaches to deal with this problem mainly focus on filtering using heuristics or single features such as language model scores or bi-lingual similarity. This work presents an alternative approach which learns weights for multiple sentence-level features. These feature weights which are optimized directly for the task of improving translation performance, are used to score and filter sentences in the noisy corpora more effectively. We provide results of applying this technique to building NMT systems using the Paracrawl corpus for Estonian-English and show that it beats strong single feature baselines and hand designed combinations. Additionally, we analyze the sensitivity of this method to different types of noise and explore if the learned weights generalize to other language pairs using the Maltese-English Paracrawl corpus.
Large language models have led to remarkable progress on many NLP tasks, and researchers are turning to ever-larger text corpora to train them. Some of the largest corpora available are made by scraping significant portions of the internet, and are f requently introduced with only minimal documentation. In this work we provide some of the first documentation for the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus (C4; Raffel et al., 2020), a dataset created by applying a set of filters to a single snapshot of Common Crawl. We begin by investigating where the data came from, and find a significant amount of text from unexpected sources like patents and US military websites. Then we explore the content of the text itself, and find machine-generated text (e.g., from machine translation systems) and evaluation examples from other benchmark NLP datasets. To understand the impact of the filters applied to create this dataset, we evaluate the text that was removed, and show that blocklist filtering disproportionately removes text from and about minority individuals. Finally, we conclude with some recommendations for how to created and document web-scale datasets from a scrape of the internet.
Term and glossary management are vital steps of preparation of every language specialist, and they play a very important role at the stage of education of translation professionals. The growing trend of efficient time management and constant time con straints we may observe in every job sector increases the necessity of the automatic glossary compilation. Many well-performing bilingual AET systems are based on processing parallel data, however, such parallel corpora are not always available for a specific domain or a language pair. Domain-specific, bilingual access to information and its retrieval based on comparable corpora is a very promising area of research that requires a detailed analysis of both available data sources and the possible extraction techniques. This work focuses on domain-specific automatic terminology extraction from comparable corpora for the English -- Russian language pair by utilizing neural word embeddings.
There is a shortage of high-quality corpora for South-Slavic languages. Such corpora are useful to computer scientists and researchers in social sciences and humanities alike, focusing on numerous linguistic, content analysis, and natural language pr ocessing applications. This paper presents a workflow for mining Wikipedia content and processing it into linguistically-processed corpora, applied on the Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian and Slovenian Wikipedia. We make the resulting seven corpora publicly available. We showcase these corpora by comparing the content of the underlying Wikipedias, our assumption being that the content of the Wikipedias reflects broadly the interests in various topics in these Balkan nations. We perform the content comparison by using topic modelling algorithms and various distribution comparisons. The results show that all Wikipedias are topically rather similar, with all of them covering art, culture, and literature, whereas they contain differences in geography, politics, history and science.
Cross-lingual word embeddings provide a way for information to be transferred between languages. In this paper we evaluate an extension of a joint training approach to learning cross-lingual embeddings that incorporates sub-word information during tr aining. This method could be particularly well-suited to lower-resource and morphologically-rich languages because it can be trained on modest size monolingual corpora, and is able to represent out-of-vocabulary words (OOVs). We consider bilingual lexicon induction, including an evaluation focused on OOVs. We find that this method achieves improvements over previous approaches, particularly for OOVs.
We train and test five open-source taggers, which use different methods, on three Swedish corpora, which are of comparable size but use different tagsets. The KB-Bert tagger achieves the highest accuracy for part-of-speech and morphological tagging, while being fast enough for practical use. We also compare the performance across tagsets and across different genres in one of the corpora. We perform manual error analysis and perform a statistical analysis of factors which affect how difficult specific tags are. Finally, we test ensemble methods, showing that a small (but not significant) improvement over the best-performing tagger can be achieved.
This paper investigates updates of Universal Dependencies (UD) treebanks in 23 languages and their impact on a downstream application. Numerous people are involved in updating UD's annotation guidelines and treebanks in various languages. However, it is not easy to verify whether the updated resources maintain universality with other language resources. Thus, validity and consistency of multilingual corpora should be tested through application tasks involving syntactic structures with PoS tags, dependency labels, and universal features. We apply the syntactic parsers trained on UD treebanks from multiple versions (2.0 to 2.7) to a clause-level sentiment extractor. We then analyze the relationships between attachment scores of dependency parsers and performance in application tasks. For future UD developments, we show examples of outputs that differ depending on version.
Detection of occupations in texts is relevant for a range of important application scenarios, like competitive intelligence, sociodemographic analysis, legal NLP or health-related occupational data mining. Despite the importance and heterogeneous dat a types that mention occupations, text mining efforts to recognize them have been limited. This is due to the lack of clear annotation guidelines and high-quality Gold Standard corpora. Social media data can be regarded as a relevant source of information for real-time monitoring of at-risk occupational groups in the context of pandemics like the COVID-19 one, facilitating intervention strategies for occupations in direct contact with infectious agents or affected by mental health issues. To evaluate current NLP methods and to generate resources, we have organized the ProfNER track at SMM4H 2021, providing ProfNER participants with a Gold Standard corpus of manually annotated tweets (human IAA of 0.919) following annotation guidelines available in Spanish and English, an occupation gazetteer, a machine-translated version of tweets, and FastText embeddings. Out of 35 registered teams, 11 submitted a total of 27 runs. Best-performing participants built systems based on recent NLP technologies (e.g. transformers) and achieved 0.93 F-score in Text Classification and 0.839 in Named Entity Recognition. Corpus:

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