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The objective of this research is to model the dynamic characteristics of lead-acid batteries taking into account their fundamental phenomena (the electric double-layer, the charge transfer and diffusion phenomenon due to oxidation and reduction reactions). The value of the equivalent circuit elements used in modeling is determined experimentally using a pulsed discharge of the battery.
In this paper, the simple magnetostatic field is found by means of FEM and also BEM . The aim of this reseach is to find the simple magnetostatic field for any magnetic problem because it is contributed in effective magnetic field for this proble m beside the other terms as :the exchange field , anisotropic field and external field.We found that the boundary element method is much more convenient to apply .
A study of the effect of electrostatic charge that is generated in actuator due to drying methods on the delivered dose of metered dose inhaler has been done in tow cases: Washing actuator and drying it by a clothe. Washing actuator and let it dry alone. A study has been done on metered dose inhaler containing salbutmaol sulfate and manufactured by a local company. The results show the importance of drying methods on the delivered dose, the delivered doses of metered dose inhaler after washing the actuator and dry it by a clothe hadn't been achieved the USP-34 requirements (out of range 75-125%), while the delivered doses after washing actuator and let it dry alone had been achieved the USP-34 requirements. The difference in results between the two cases belong to electrostatic charge generated in actuator due to drying methods
The manifestation of the self-action potential for charge carrier in system consisted of three spatially heterogeneous layers is investigated theoretically. The expressions for the self-action potential energy of a test charge placed in a central la yer of the three-layer structures. The self-action potential energy of electron- hole and Wannier – Mott exciton are calculated numerically. The self-action potential energy of electron- hole and Wannier – Mott exciton are plotted as a function.
This paper focuses on climate change in Nineveh based on climatological data records in this governorate. The general trend of the temperature appeared to surpass its average mean. The severe hot days also increased in summer, the precipitation in general deceased practically in the last two decades, irregular and delayed distribution of the rain, as well as drought cycles did occur.
Noise and transport characteristics of CdTe gamma - and X-ray detectors have been carried out to determine the 1/f noise sources and their correlation with charge carriers mobility. The noise spectral density was measured by standard set-up. The no ise of low ohmic samples has 1/f noise spectral density which increases with the square of voltage. The high ohmic samples show 1/f type noise in low frequency range. This flicker noise leads to degradation in the homogeneity of the contact. The excess of noise changes as 1/fa , 1 a 2 at 10Hz, and it is due to the multitrapping of the CdTe. Thiscontributes to the loss in charge collection efficiency.
Pairs of electron-holes are produced in the space-charge region of a diode pn heterojunction as a result of an accelerated electron beam collisions having enough energy larger or equal (≤ ٥٠ kev). Due to the intrinsic electric field an electric cu rrent will flow (Electron beam induced current EBIC) in an appropriate external electric circiut. When an external forward electric field is applied an electric current IF will flow, helping in electron-hole which combination produc an additional cathodo-lumines-cence. the study of cothodolumines- cence intensity variations will give electronic properties and electric structure of the space - charge.

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