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The research aimed at studying the impact of the most important economic and social factors affecting the adoption of new irrigation techniques، namely water collective management in ALGhab basin in Syria .The research accomplished by taking a si mple random sample of 264 farmers .Because of the nature of dependent variable which is dichotomous ،(1= adoption of water collective management،0=otherwise)،The binary logistic regression was used.
This paper presented an analysis of the most important factors that drive immigrants from the area of Jabal al-Hoss in the province of Aleppo to different directions searched for employment and how they affect migration destination and the nature of the work on the amount of migrant remittances to his family. The research also highlighted the importance of individual characteristics, family and community of immigrants, especially since the study area was considered one of the dry and marginal areas in Syria, poor in natural and human resources using the methods of econometric analysis (models logistic regression and multiple regressions). Results showed that the probability of migration out of Syria was getting the male immigrants and individuals younger and more educated and those who were descended from the family even poorer, and the largest number, also found that the likelihood of working immigrant in the agricultural sector increased immigrants from females, and those with a low educational level. There was also an evidence that the amount of remittances sent to families of migrants increased if migrant worked in non-agricultural sector, and as the family was much poorer and more numerous.
The main objective of this paper is to obtain the extreme residuals based on two different ways. The first is the ordinary residuals and the second is the modified Pearson residuals. These two kinds of residuals are obtained through the above mentioned four methods of estimation.

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