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Feature engineering is an important step in classical NLP pipelines, but machine learning engineers may not be aware of the signals to look for when processing foreign language text. The Russian Feature Extraction Toolkit (RFET) is a collection of fe ature extraction libraries bundled for ease of use by engineers who do not speak Russian. RFET's current feature set includes features applicable to social media genres of text and to computational social science tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the tool by using it in a personality trait identification task. We compare the performance of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) trained with and without the features provided by RFET; we also compare it to a SVM with neural embedding features generated by Sentence-BERT.
يهدف البحث إلى تقديم دراسة مرجعيّة مفصلة عن استخدام الشبكات العصبونية الإلتفافية (CNNs) في استخراج الميزات (Features) من الصور. وسيتطرق البحث إلى التعريف بمعنى الميزات (Features) الخاصة بالصور وأهميتها في تطبيقات معالجة الصورة. وسيتم أيضاً التعريف بالشبكات العصبونية الإلتفافية (CNNs) وبنيتها و طريقة عملها وأنواع المقاربات والمنهجيات المستخدمة في تدريبها لاستخراج الميزات (Features) من الصور.
This Research suggests a new mechanism that aims to increase the effectiveness of surveillance systems by extracting the moving objects coming from surveillance camera in order to identify them and propose a new mechanism for indexing and storing i n database and classified them according to the basic characteristics and strong indicators and retrieval when needed in less possible time. The basic idea lies in the combination of the basic characteristics of the goal (color, edges and texture) which ensures the best performance in extracting the basic target features and depend on it as indexes, then nonlinear transfers has been done on the edges of the target in order to get a picture bearing the minutest details, then conducted adverse transfers on the edges of the target during the process retrieved from the database. Finally, we propose a new mechanism for indexing all images tabase to Retrieval them in best accuracy and less time, and a program had been achieved to realize this idea.
Personal identification based on handprint has been gaining more attention with the increasing needs of high level of security. In this study a novel approach for human recognition based on handprint is proposed. Wavelet transform was used to extra ct features presented in the palm image based on wavelet zero-crossing method. Firstly the wavelet transform of the whole palm image at the fourth level was worked out, which results in four matrices; three of them are detail matrices (i.e., horizontal, vertical and diagonal) as well as one approximation matrix. Throughout this study, only the detail matrices were used because the required information (i.e., hand lines and curves) is included in those matrices. Sixteen features were extracted from each detail matrix, and then arranged in one vector. Consequently, for each palm sample a feature vector consisting of 48 input features of the used neural network was obtained. For this purpose, a database consisting of 400 palm images belonging to 40 people at the rate of 10 images per person was built. Practical tests outcome showed that the designed system successfully indentified 91.36% of the tested images.
The study suggests designing a weighting model for iris features and selection of the best ones to show the effect of weighting and selection process on system performance. The search introduces a new weighting and fusion algorithm depends on the i nter and intra class differences and the fuzzy logic. The output of the algorithm is the feature’s weight of the selected features. The designed system consists of four stages which are iris segmentation, feature extraction, feature weighting_selection_fusion model implementation and recognition. System suggests using region descriptors for defining the center and radius of iris region, then the iris is cropped and transformed into the polar coordinates via rotation and selection of radius-size pixels of fixed window from center to circumference. Feature extraction stage is done by wavelet vertical details and the statistical metrics of 1st and 2nd derivative of normalized iris image. At weighting and fusion step the best features are selected and fused for classification stage which is done by distance classifier. The algorithm is applied on CASIA database which consists of iris images related to 250 persons. It achieved 100% segmentation precision and 98.7% recognition rate. The results show that segmentation algorithm is robust against illumination and rotation variations and occlusion by eye lash and lid, and the weighting_selection_fusion algorithm enhances the system performance.
The research presents a design for an automated checking system for students. The system takes a picture of the student, then it extracts his/her basic facial features. The network was trained using the reverse spreading algorithm. If a training da tabase is generated for each student consisting of 15 training samples contained of the necessary facial expressions to identify the student for one time at the beginning of the semester, then the neural network will be trained on students database to obtain a trained neural network able to identify the students of each category depending on their physical appearance. That will result in knowing who attends and who does not attend the session. The system designed for this purpose was supplied with the trained network. The system provides the possibility of automated checking for students according to the content of the study giving the alarm in case of the existence of the picture of a student who does not belong to the same group.
Content Based Medical Image Retrieval (CBMIR) systems are a new technique which researchers aim to integrate with Computer Aided Diagnosis systems. These systems usually find and retrieve images from a large image-database which have a similar conten t to a query image. Retrieval is done by extracting the visual features from the query image, formulating them in a features vector, comparing features vector components with those of the images in the database, and then, similarity measures are computed. Based on the similarity measures, images which have a similar content to the query image are retrieved. The introduced analysis study surveys and analyzes the current status of the CBMIR systems, evaluates our findings from this survey, and concludes some specific research directions in this field.

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