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The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the proposed teaching scouting methods of "problem solving" a model in the collection of knowledge-based high in the Arabic language through the study sample, "the control group and the experimental " and a comparison between the views of gender on the effectiveness of the proposed teaching methods and the existing views on the learner's effort and the teacher in the achievement of the collection cybernetic high in the Arabic language, So was teaching program design, and judgment, and designed final tests (before me, and after me / Direct and deferred) for each lesson of the selected lessons from the Arab rule my (archives of texts and applaud).
This study aims at realizing the relationship between some family factors and problems related to pupils’ behavior as to define the most widespread problems among pupils. The first chapter handles the problem of the studyand its importance, the obj ectives of the study, previous studies, the concepts and terminologies of the study, and the scientific methodology used.The second chapter of this study deals with the relationship between pupils and their social environment including their relationship with their family (their parents and their brothers), their relationship with their school (dynamic relationship between children and school and between parents and school.) . The study provides in the third chapter an analysis of the results of the field study based on questionnaire as an essential tool by directing it to the pupils themselves in the schools of the townof JawbatBerghäll - the second stage of basic education. The results of the study show that the social problems among males are more than those among females. Those problems are evident among higher classes compared to lower ones. It is also noted that problems are deeper among pupils whose parents’ education level is lower. The conclusion of this research is a set of suggestions based on the analysis of the results.

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