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I have decided to study the technical picture depending on the senses of sight and taste so that I havechosen poetry Su'ad Al-Sabbah–a Kuwaiti poet -to appliymaterial to support the theoretical approach to this concept.
مصطلح التشكيل بمضمونه الجمالي والتعبير يبرز عادة في حقل الفنون الجميلة وفي فن الرسم خصوصا وبسبب تداخل الفنون بشكل واسع وعميق أصبح ترحيل كثيرمن المصطلحات والمفاهيم والأساليب التي تعمل في فن من الفنون إل حقول فنون أخر أمرا ميسورا وضروريا
This study explores "And Flowers Know Anger" divan. The poet concentrates on her suffering and her personal hardship for the loss of her husband, the prince Abdullah Bin Al-Mubarak. Her creative experience represented by her connotative poems that emphasize the family relationship, seen in her exceptional relationship with the prince the husband. On the other hand, her revolution and mutiny against the authority of the husband. It also shows us her support for the Arab woman rejecting to be always under the authority of men as being inferior without having her role or even her opinion. Thus she rejects incomplete solutions regarding this issue, but she accepts the authoritative colonization from her husband. The poet was able to formulate the whole event with an innovative pictorial style that shows the sense of belonging, patience, and love towards the family, the homeland, the nation and most importantly, the humanity in general.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا