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Libraries are considered the most important achievements of the Arab Islamic civilizatation because of their important role in spreading science among Muslims, and their impact on Europe that sunk into darkness. With the establishment of the Fatimi d state in Egypt in 358/969, the Fatimids tried to compete with Baghdad in the cultural field by encouraging private and public libraries. Despite of the collapse of the Fatimid state, the books of its libraries remained preserved in the libraries of civilizations that followed, such as the Fadilia and Bimaraston Qaloun Schools .
This paper analyzes the position and role of the mosque as a factor in the formation, transformation and development of Muslim–inhabited cities, from many neighborhoods to the entire city, and shows proof linking mosque structure with the structure of a city and of neighborhoods, while having the moral and material dimensions. In this regard, considering a comprehensive view of the mosques in the structure and design of cities and neighborhoods, is not seen as a single element of architecture, but as the role of historical mosques and religious beliefs and changes from a traditional society to a modern one. However, in the form of urban solutions, it is the physical development of the neighborhood, because the mosque has always been an integral part of Muslim–inhabited areas and more than its constituent elements in bringing about change and urban development.
تتناول المقال لمحة عن مآذن المساجد القديمة في مدينة تريم – حضـرموت (الـيمن) و هي مدينة مشهورة بعمارتها الطينية و باحتوائها عدداً كبيراً من المساجد عبر العصور "يقال إنّها احتوت ٣٦٥ مسجداً" و كذلك اشتهرت بمدارسها الدينية و مصـليات النسـاء فيها.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا