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أصبح الإبهام سمة لازمة من سمات الحداثة الشّعريّة، و لكن لابدّ من التّفريق بين الغموض و الإبهام، فالأول: محببٌ في الشعر، و يدفع المتلقي إلى المزيد من الجهد و العمل للوصول إلى إحدى دلالات القصيدة المعاصرة، و الثاني: استغلاق عن الفهم، و عدم قدرة المت لقي على التواصل و هذا يعني أن الإبهام قيمة سلبية في الشّعر، يسلب الأخير جماليته و اثارته، و يحرم المتلقي من لذة الكشف عن دلالات القصيدة. و لعل من أهم أسباب الإبهام: الانزياح الشّديد عن درجة الصّفر في الكتابة، و غموض الرّمز الشّعريّ ، و استخدام الأساطير الأجنبيّة، و غموض الرؤيا و تراكم الصّور، و اللغة التّجريبيّة، و الفقر الّدلالي، و القصد إلى الإبهام، و غياب النقد.
This paper aims at analyzing and studying the phenomenon of melancholy (sadness) in modern Arabic poetry since it is a feature that, unlike in ancient Arabic poetry, we can come across in most modern poetic writings. The paper distinguishes between the sadness of an ordinary man and that of a creative writer who shows a special sensitivity and can turn his sadness into something creative and can express it in his writings. In this study, the researcher refers to the most eminent critical points of view that dealt with the phenomenon of melancholy in modern Arabic poetry. For example, Dr. Ezzuddeen Ismail’s philosophy and opinion in this respect are referred to especially that he links and compares between Arab poets and their European counterparts concerning the subject of expressing sadness in their poetry. Likewise, Dr. Ismail refers to the affinity between sadness in Arabic poetry and some prose writings that became known in the Arab culture due to the connection with the Western culture. The paper discusses these points of view and concludes, through analysis of poetic examples, that there are two reasons for expressing sadness in poetry: First, personal reasons that the poet has due to an illness, a poverty, or expatriation. Second, national reasons that have to do with the status and condition of the Arab Nation in modern times especially the political, social, and economic trouble and crises.
The main purpose of the study is to show the rank of Arabic - as unexampled phenomenon - and It's literature both in poetry and prose in Iran , especially in gorgan who was peer to Isfahan in the fourth and the fifth Centries of Hejira. The Arabi c poetry captured the writer's minds and hearts in Gorgan which was an asylum to most poets and intellects. Thus, lilerature forums attracted some of them such as Alsaheb bn Abbad who came from Isfahan to destroy its king kabus bn Washimkeer who was a poet and a writer. The Influence of Arabic literature emerged clearly in the persian poetry in form and content. In addition, this effect also appeared obviously in Gorgan's poetry which was versified in Arabic using aductile style once, Al Bayroony said:''Satire in Arabic is more preferable to praise in Persain''.
The purpose of this study is to show the portrait of the occupied Palestinian city (Yaffa) in models of modern Arab poetry 1960 – 1967. It is noted that Yaffa was mentioned in topics according to what the poets have written during this period. The se topics are: The depressed city, the beloved city, the struggling and the city which is promised to be liberated. The study depends on collecting the related poems and reading them an analytical way. The poems were classified in a way to show the portraits of the city clearly through the shared subjects which the poets have shown in their poems.
يتألف هذا البحث من أربعة مقاطع: الأول بعنوان "ما قبل الكلام" يقدّم فيه الباحث لمحة مختصرة عن مسألة القدس و أطماع الصهاينة فيها في العصر الحديث، و تناول في المقطع الثاني "البطل التموزي و القدس العربية قبل النكبة في الشعر العربي الحديث" و بيّن سخرية ال شعراء العرب في المهجر و الوطن بوعد بلفور، كما وضَّح إيمانهم الكبير بأنّ العرب قادرون بسهولة على الإطاحة بأحلام الصهاينة، كما أطاحوا من قبل بجحافل الصليبيين و المغول، و بأنَّ البطل التموزي الاستشهادي سيروي تراب القدس بدمه الطاهر النبيل، لكنَّ هذا البطل اختفى فجأة من الشعر العربي إثر صدمة النكبة ليحلَّ محله البطل التراجيدي في المقطع الثالث، و هو بعنوان: "البطل التراجيدي و القدس الضائعة فيما بين النكبة و النكسة"، ليتوقف البحث، بعد ذلك، في المقطع الأخير "عودة البطل الملحمي إلى القدس بعد الانتفاضة" عند الانتفاضة التي عمت البلاد فاستبشر الشعراء خيراً بهذا الحدث العظيم و تغنوا بقيم الشهادة و النضال و التحرير.
The purpose of the research is to deepen the feeling of aesthetic entity of Arab poetry from moralities standpoint, that is the secret behind its immortality. and to affirm that the idiom of 'poets potency' by Alasmae is an aesthetic principle tal king about the make inside the poem, its uniqueness, characteristics and the effect of the poet on others who come later . This poem was chosen from the rest of his poetry as a measure of Alhadera's potency because of its uniqueness and characteristics . The research method: text induction by searching on proofs about poetry potency in this poem, if there is many we are satisfied with some samples which indicate others, so that we avoid extension ,boredom and increasing repetition towards one side. the comparison has been done between its entity and Thalaba Ebn Soaer Almazne poem entity (Does Amra have victuals of a traveler..) to show that there are similarities in some parts of the image and there is a difference inside the inner entity. The research is based on the entity of the poem, its structure method, creative characters and the causes of its uniqueness. The research results: the purpose has been achieved, we recognize the uniqueness of the poem in its structural method, poetical images and moveable scenes, also the specialty of the poet in creating the whole poem and how it affects other poets just with even a few of its aspects.
This paper discusses the poetic patterns and psychological which are conveyed by imagery in modern Poetry Divan in Yemen, and which Poets used to direct their meaning. Images in poets divans varied between simile, sensational images and metaphori cal prosopopoeia, embodiment, "symbolism" the images that displays poet mentality. The psychological functions achieved by rhetorical uses create a bridge of understanding with audience. They show a gap in the relation between the images and psychological denotations, and they carry a plenty of contemporary significance in their symbols, these pictures will remain in the interior constructing context which came from undulation of the psychological movement whether these images were sensational, mental or symbolic. So employing the psychological rhetoric and is denotation by the poets is confined to articulation only, but exceeds to the inspirations & psychological undulation which addresses the conscience, therefore the poets did not use certain rhetoric pattern or type of images move a the others, but they widened the use of rhetoric so as to able to deal with reality in all its facts and forms, and explain their attitudes and feeling towards this reality.

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