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Results of the study revealed the presence of four aphid species which spread in the wheat fields of Daraa during 2013. They are: Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), Rhopalosiphum padi (L), Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) and Sitobion avenae (Fab). S. gr aminum was most widely amounted rate (48%), followed by specie of R. padi (% 20) then R. maidis (% 16.8), and finally specie of S. avenae rate (14.9%). The appearance time of the different stages insect (nymphs, winged insects, winged) for its specie and their arriving time to the peak were identify.
In 1964, Harrison talked about the spread of Erinaceus europaeus in Europe. Recently, studies have shown the existence of two species of hedgehogs which are found in Europe and they belong to the genus Erinaceous. They are as follows: 1- E. euro paeus L.1758, and they are found in the West of Europe. 2- E. concolor M.1838, and they are found in the East of Europe. The study has been done on 19 features of the skulls (10 males, 9 females) which were collected from the South of Syria. We applied the biometrical measurements according to the method (Miller, 1912). The most important dimensions he used in the biometrical measurements are: (Nas I, MndI, mI). This is according to the method of (Pucek1981), the skulls of the (E. concolor) have higher values. The results showed that the Syrian skulls are lower and shorter. So, we can classify the hedgehogs in both Syria and Bulgaria from one genus called E.concolor and the differences in the nasal index NasI are not important. We Conclude: 1-The Hedgehogs in Syria, Near East area, Arab area and Asia Minor all belong to the ( E.concolorMartin ) . 2-The hedgehogs found in the Asia Minor and the Arab area belong to the genus (E . concolor).
لاحظنا خلال القيام بجولات ميدانية في منطقة وادي القرن، غرب دمشق، خلال الفترة الواقعة بين عامي ١٩٩٢ ١٩٩٦ ضمن تركيبة المجمع الحيواني للنظام البيئي الغابي لأشجار السنديان العادي Quercus calliprinos, وجود نوعين جديدين على الفونة في سورية لم يسبق تسجيل هما من رتبة Psocoptera هما Mesopsocus duboscqui , Humineura bigoti و قد وصفا لأول مرة من قبل العالم Badonnel حيث وصف النوع H. bigoti عام ١٩٧٠ في منطقة كاداراش جنوب شرق فرنسا، و يصادف حاليًا في فرنسا و اليونان و شبه الجزيرة الإسبانية، و هو يعيش على الأوراق و يظهر منذ الشتاء و حتى الربيع و هو نوع متوسطي.

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