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The oath is an old Arabic style used to confirm the meaning, and to show seriousness, of the speaker. The Koran used the Arabic language and used the oath, then the prophet used it to the same purpose and gave it glorification, because he related his oath with the name of God, or with one of God's qualities, and he prohibited the oath for another thing.
Repetition is an expression style which the Prophet used in his call. And it is a famous Arabic style since ancient times that Arabic scholars reffered to Repetition is two parts: Repetition in the meaning only and Repetition in the pronounce and the meaning. Repetition of an the Prophet,s style may was in word or phrase or form, or was in Repetition an article or a letter in a word. This type of Repetition had been used so much, and the meaning in tradition was widespreading according to the function of prophet which was the conveyancing. Repetition has many aims as: warning of something or awaking of it, threatening and pressing in praying, adaptation in the language of Arabs, enjoying and courting and some other aims.
أردت في هذا البحث تجلية و توضيح مفهوم الوسطية في الفكر الإسلامي، لما له من أهمية كبيرة جداً، جاء الإسلام لترسيخها، و الدعوة لها على صعيد الكتاب و السنة، لكنني اقتصرت في هذا البحث على بيان هذا المنهج الأصيل من خلال السنة المطهـرة و الحـديث النبـوي الشريف فقط، و لم أتعرض لسائر التفصيلات في العبادات و غيرها، فلها بحث مستقل، و لـو جعلته عاماً من خلال الكتاب و السنة لطال البحث.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا