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This paper describes Mininglamp neural machine translation systems of the WMT2021 news translation tasks. We have participated in eight directions translation tasks for news text including Chinese to/from English, Hausa to/from English, German to/fro m English and French to/from German. Our fundamental system was based on Transformer architecture, with wider or smaller construction for different news translation tasks. We mainly utilized the method of back-translation, knowledge distillation and fine-tuning to boost single model, while the ensemble was used to combine single models. Our final submission has ranked first for the English to/from Hausa task.
In this paper, we describe our MiSS system that participated in the WMT21 news translation task. We mainly participated in the evaluation of the three translation directions of English-Chinese and Japanese-English translation tasks. In the systems su bmitted, we primarily considered wider networks, deeper networks, relative positional encoding, and dynamic convolutional networks in terms of model structure, while in terms of training, we investigated contrastive learning-reinforced domain adaptation, self-supervised training, and optimization objective switching training methods. According to the final evaluation results, a deeper, wider, and stronger network can improve translation performance in general, yet our data domain adaption method can improve performance even more. In addition, we found that switching to the use of our proposed objective during the finetune phase using relatively small domain-related data can effectively improve the stability of the model's convergence and achieve better optimal performance.
This paper describes the Global Tone Communication Co., Ltd.'s submission of the WMT21 shared news translation task. We participate in six directions: English to/from Hausa, Hindi to/from Bengali and Zulu to/from Xhosa. Our submitted systems are unco nstrained and focus on multilingual translation odel, backtranslation and forward-translation. We also apply rules and language model to filter monolingual, parallel sentences and synthetic sentences.
In this paper, we (team - oneNLP-IIITH) describe our Neural Machine Translation approaches for English-Marathi (both direction) for LoResMT-20211 . We experimented with transformer based Neural Machine Translation and explored the use of different li nguistic features like POS and Morph on subword unit for both English-Marathi and Marathi-English. In addition, we have also explored forward and backward translation using web-crawled monolingual data. We obtained 22.2 (overall 2 nd) and 31.3 (overall 1 st) BLEU scores for English-Marathi and Marathi-English on respectively
The quality of the translations generated by Machine Translation (MT) systems has highly improved through the years and but we are still far away to obtain fully automatic high-quality translations. To generate them and translators make use of Comput er-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and among which we find the Interactive-Predictive Machine Translation (IPMT) systems. In this paper and we use bandit feedback as the main and only information needed to generate new predictions that correct the previous translations. The application of bandit feedback reduces significantly the number of words that the translator need to type in an IPMT session. In conclusion and the use of this technique saves useful time and effort to translators and its performance improves with the future advances in MT and so we recommend its application in the actuals IPMT systems.
Neural machine translation (NMT) models are typically trained using a softmax cross-entropy loss where the softmax distribution is compared against the gold labels. In low-resource scenarios and NMT models tend to perform poorly because the model tra ining quickly converges to a point where the softmax distribution computed using logits approaches the gold label distribution. Although label smoothing is a well-known solution to address this issue and we further propose to divide the logits by a temperature coefficient greater than one and forcing the softmax distribution to be smoother during training. This makes it harder for the model to quickly over-fit. In our experiments on 11 language pairs in the low-resource Asian Language Treebank dataset and we observed significant improvements in translation quality. Our analysis focuses on finding the right balance of label smoothing and softmax tempering which indicates that they are orthogonal methods. Finally and a study of softmax entropies and gradients reveal the impact of our method on the internal behavior of our NMT models.
We implemented a neural machine translation system that uses automatic sequence tagging to improve the quality of translation. Instead of operating on unannotated sentence pairs, our system uses pre-trained tagging systems to add linguistic features to source and target sentences. Our proposed neural architecture learns a combined embedding of tokens and tags in the encoder, and simultaneous token and tag prediction in the decoder. Compared to a baseline with unannotated training, this architecture increased the BLEU score of German to English film subtitle translation outputs by 1.61 points using named entity tags; however, the BLEU score decreased by 0.38 points using part-of-speech tags. This demonstrates that certain token-level tag outputs from off-the-shelf tagging systems can improve the output of neural translation systems using our combined embedding and simultaneous decoding extensions.
The paper presents experiments in neural machine translation with lexical constraints into a morphologically rich language. In particular and we introduce a method and based on constrained decoding and which handles the inflected forms of lexical ent ries and does not require any modification to the training data or model architecture. To evaluate its effectiveness and we carry out experiments in two different scenarios: general and domain-specific. We compare our method with baseline translation and i.e. translation without lexical constraints and in terms of translation speed and translation quality. To evaluate how well the method handles the constraints and we propose new evaluation metrics which take into account the presence and placement and duplication and inflectional correctness of lexical terms in the output sentence.
In this paper, we introduce our TMU Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system submitted for the Patent task (Korean Japanese and English Japanese) of 8th Workshop on Asian Translation (Nakazawa et al., 2021). Recently, several studies proposed pre-trai ned encoder-decoder models using monolingual data. One of the pre-trained models, BART (Lewis et al., 2020), was shown to improve translation accuracy via fine-tuning with bilingual data. However, they experimented only Romanian!English translation using English BART. In this paper, we examine the effectiveness of Japanese BART using Japan Patent Office Corpus 2.0. Our experiments indicate that Japanese BART can also improve translation accuracy in both Korean Japanese and English Japanese translations.
In this paper, we discuss the details of the various Machine Translation (MT) systems that we have submitted for the English-Marathi LoResMT task. As a part of this task, we have submitted three different Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems; a B aseline English-Marathi system, a Baseline Marathi-English system, and an English-Marathi system that is based on the back-translation technique. We explore the performance of these NMT systems between English and Marathi languages, which forms a low resource language pair due to unavailability of sufficient parallel data. We also explore the performance of the back-translation technique when the back-translated data is obtained from NMT systems that are trained on a very less amount of data. From our experiments, we observe that the back-translation technique can help improve the MT quality over the baseline for the English-Marathi language pair.

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