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GTCOM Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT21

GTCOM آلة الترجمة الآلية العصبية ل WMT21

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper describes the Global Tone Communication Co., Ltd.'s submission of the WMT21 shared news translation task. We participate in six directions: English to/from Hausa, Hindi to/from Bengali and Zulu to/from Xhosa. Our submitted systems are unconstrained and focus on multilingual translation odel, backtranslation and forward-translation. We also apply rules and language model to filter monolingual, parallel sentences and synthetic sentences.

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This paper describes NiuTrans neural machine translation systems of the WMT 2021 news translation tasks. We made submissions to 9 language directions, including English2Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Icelandic and English2Hausa tasks. Our primary system s are built on several effective variants of Transformer, e.g., Transformer-DLCL, ODE-Transformer. We also utilize back-translation, knowledge distillation, post-ensemble, and iterative fine-tuning techniques to enhance the model performance further.
This paper describes our system (Team ID: nictrb) for participating in the WAT'21 restricted machine translation task. In our submitted system, we designed a new training approach for restricted machine translation. By sampling from the translation t arget, we can solve the problem that ordinary training data does not have a restricted vocabulary. With the further help of constrained decoding in the inference phase, we achieved better results than the baseline, confirming the effectiveness of our solution. In addition, we also tried the vanilla and sparse Transformer as the backbone network of the model, as well as model ensembling, which further improved the final translation performance.
This paper describes Mininglamp neural machine translation systems of the WMT2021 news translation tasks. We have participated in eight directions translation tasks for news text including Chinese to/from English, Hausa to/from English, German to/fro m English and French to/from German. Our fundamental system was based on Transformer architecture, with wider or smaller construction for different news translation tasks. We mainly utilized the method of back-translation, knowledge distillation and fine-tuning to boost single model, while the ensemble was used to combine single models. Our final submission has ranked first for the English to/from Hausa task.
In this paper, we describe our MiSS system that participated in the WMT21 news translation task. We mainly participated in the evaluation of the three translation directions of English-Chinese and Japanese-English translation tasks. In the systems su bmitted, we primarily considered wider networks, deeper networks, relative positional encoding, and dynamic convolutional networks in terms of model structure, while in terms of training, we investigated contrastive learning-reinforced domain adaptation, self-supervised training, and optimization objective switching training methods. According to the final evaluation results, a deeper, wider, and stronger network can improve translation performance in general, yet our data domain adaption method can improve performance even more. In addition, we found that switching to the use of our proposed objective during the finetune phase using relatively small domain-related data can effectively improve the stability of the model's convergence and achieve better optimal performance.
In this paper, we (team - oneNLP-IIITH) describe our Neural Machine Translation approaches for English-Marathi (both direction) for LoResMT-20211 . We experimented with transformer based Neural Machine Translation and explored the use of different li nguistic features like POS and Morph on subword unit for both English-Marathi and Marathi-English. In addition, we have also explored forward and backward translation using web-crawled monolingual data. We obtained 22.2 (overall 2 nd) and 31.3 (overall 1 st) BLEU scores for English-Marathi and Marathi-English on respectively

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