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The demography is a quantitative science that was established on a statistical base, but it has quickly developed its own methods and research elements in response to the particularity of demographic phenomenon and to its real need of specific elem ents of measuring and analysis that exceed what applied statistics propose. And even if demography meets with many other sciences, yet it has a particularity that results firstly from the effect of time on its events, and secondly from the fact that the demographic events are submitted to a necessary order that must be taken in consideration when we pass from demographic to social analysis of elements and data. This research illuminates this particularity of the necessary order in demographic events, through two access: the first treats time as a demographic concept and how it is related to the necessary order of demographic events; and the second treats the effect of this necessary order in the social analysis of the events that both demography and sociology are interested in, in order to show the importance of gathering demographic and social analysis when treating different demographic-social events, and to illustrate the shortfalls that may affect some models of social analysis if it's not preceded by a demographic analysis of the studied event.
رغم مرور أعوام على صدور قانون محكمة الأسرة و تعرض التشريع المصري إلى الكثير من التعديلات في مجال تسوية المنازعات الأسرية فإن المعوقات و مشاكل العمل و أوجه الاختلاف و التناقض التي ظهرت عند تطبيقه أدت إلى صعوبة الإحاطة بأحكامه. يركز هذا البحث على إبرا ز سلبيات التشريع، من خلال تتالي التشريعات الخاصة بمسائل الأحوال الشخصية و كثرتها و قصور الدراسات اللازمة لإعدادها و غموض بعض مصطلحاتها و عدم قدرة العقل البشري على الالمام بها، إلى غياب الإمكانات اللازمة لتنفيذ موادها و عدم تحقيق هدفها المنشود، تمت معالجة البحث من خلال الموازنة بين سلبيات و إيجابيات قانون محكمة الأسرة، و إيجاد حلول لهذه المشاكل.
Changing is a natural Phenomenon. It guides all of existents apparent in different fields. But transformation is another exercise to make a change in different fields of human life in nature, moral, politic, economic, and others fields. We have t wo ideas: changing and transformation. There is so much difference between these two ideas, though they have the same source, but this difference is connected with nature of act. The important matter which we are trying to clear is the ability and capacity we can benefit from in changing and transformation as they spontaneous operation. To have these benefits we are studying these two ideas from those conceptions, particularities of the nature of this act.

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