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Necessary Order in Demographic Events and its Analytic Effects "From Demographic Analysis to Social Analysis"

تراتبية الوقائع الديموغرافية و انعكاساتها التحليلية "من التحليل الديموغرافي إلى التحليل الاجتماعي"

1325   1   31   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Sociology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The demography is a quantitative science that was established on a statistical base, but it has quickly developed its own methods and research elements in response to the particularity of demographic phenomenon and to its real need of specific elements of measuring and analysis that exceed what applied statistics propose. And even if demography meets with many other sciences, yet it has a particularity that results firstly from the effect of time on its events, and secondly from the fact that the demographic events are submitted to a necessary order that must be taken in consideration when we pass from demographic to social analysis of elements and data. This research illuminates this particularity of the necessary order in demographic events, through two access: the first treats time as a demographic concept and how it is related to the necessary order of demographic events; and the second treats the effect of this necessary order in the social analysis of the events that both demography and sociology are interested in, in order to show the importance of gathering demographic and social analysis when treating different demographic-social events, and to illustrate the shortfalls that may affect some models of social analysis if it's not preceded by a demographic analysis of the studied event.

References used
Blayo, Chantal. Une mesure indirecte de l'émigration et des retours au pays d'origine. In: Les migrations internationales: problème de mesure, évolutions récentes et efficacité des politiques. Séminaire des Calabre (8-10 Septembre 1986), nº3, AIDELF, 1988
Blayo, Chantal. De l'application des principes de l'analyse démographique a l'étude de l'évolution des familles, Population, nº1, 1990, 63-86
rate research

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Contextual representations learned by language models can often encode undesirable attributes, like demographic associations of the users, while being trained for an unrelated target task. We aim to scrub such undesirable attributes and learn fair re presentations while maintaining performance on the target task. In this paper, we present an adversarial learning framework Adversarial Scrubber'' (AdS), to debias contextual representations. We perform theoretical analysis to show that our framework converges without leaking demographic information under certain conditions. We extend previous evaluation techniques by evaluating debiasing performance using Minimum Description Length (MDL) probing. Experimental evaluations on 8 datasets show that AdS generates representations with minimal information about demographic attributes while being maximally informative about the target task.
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The informal housing subject in Syria has becoming ailment and attention for government and academy sectors, that statistics refer to increment in area informal housing, that with inability solution in stopping the informal march. So that, the rese arch goals to define the economic and social structure for families in informal housing areas, and study the economic and social characteristics and relationships in this structure. The research founds that there is significant statistical relationship between the economic and social characteristics. The research founds too the economic and social structure for families in informal housing area that consist of two factors. First factor is economic factor which correlate with seven economic variables are: monthly salary for families, person part of salary, percentage of family spending on food, percentage of family spending on health care, percentage of family spending on education, family owners of capital asset , number of new merchandise having family. The second factor is social factor which correlate with four social variables are: characters of house family, number of basic associate in house, percentage of family spending on house. Family educational grade.
يتحدث المحتوى عن طرق الاستيفاء بالتحليل العددي بشكل برمجي وهما طريقتين طريقة استيفاء لاغرانج وطريقة سبلاين الخطية بلغة c++ والجافا وهما موجودين على شكل تطبيق اندرويد
This research was carried out at the Maize Researches Department of General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria, During the growing season 2010 to study general and specific combining ability and the behavior of the inheritance of plant height, ear height, yield per unit area, ear length and ear diameter in sweet corn by the use of half diallel crosses of five selected sweet corn inbred lines (IL.1037-08) P1, (IL.1062-08) P2, (IL.1049-08) P3, (IL.209-08) P4 and (IL.1065-08) P5

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