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The emergence of the Haldane Chern insulator state due to strong short range repulsive interactions in the half-filled fermionic spinless honeycomb lattice model has been proposed and challenged with different methods and yet it still remains controversial. In this work we revisit the problem using the infinite density matrix renormalization group method and report numerical evidence supporting i) the absence of the Chern insulator state, ii) two previously unnoticed charge ordered phases and iii) the existence and stability of all the non-topological competing orders that were found previously within mean field. In addition, we discuss the nature of the corresponding phase transitions based on our numerical data. Our work establishes the phase diagram of the half-filled honeycomb lattice model tilting the balance towards the absence of a Chern insulator phase for this model.
In neutral graphene, two prominent cusps known as Kohn anomalies are found in the phonon dispersion of the highest optical phonon at $q=Gamma$ (LO branch) and $q=K$ (TO branch), reflecting a significant electron-phonon coupling to undoped Dirac electrons. In this work, high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy is used to measure the phonon dispersion around the $Gamma$ point in quasi-freestanding graphene epitaxially grown on Pt(111). The Kohn anomaly for the LO phonon is observed at finite momentum $qsim2k_F$ from $Gamma$, with a shape in excellent agreement with the theory and consistent with known values of the EPC and the Fermi level. More strikingly, we also observe a Kohn anomaly at the same momentum for the out-of-plane optical phonon (ZO) branch. This observation is the first direct evidence of the coupling of the ZO mode with Dirac electrons, which is forbidden for freestanding graphene but becomes allowed in the presence of a substrate. Moreover, we estimate the EPC to be even greater than that of the LO mode, making graphene on Pt(111) an optimal system to explore the effects of this new coupling in the electronic properties.
A p-n junction, an interface between two regions of a material populated with carriers of opposite charge, is a basic building block of solid state electronic devices. From the fundamental physics perspective, it often serves as a tool to reveal the unconventional transport behavior of novel materials. In this work, we show that a p-n junction made from a three dimensional topological insulator (3DTI) in a magnetic field realizes an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer with virtually perfect visibility. This is owed to the confinement of the topological Dirac fermion state to a closed two-dimensional surface, which offers the unprecedented possibility of utilizing external fields to design networks of chiral modes wrapping around the bulk in closed trajectories, without the need of complex constrictions or etching. Remarkably, this junction also acts as a spin filter, where the path of the particle is tied to the direction of spin propagation. It therefore constitutes a novel and highly tunable spintronic device where spin polarized input and output currents are naturally formed and could be accessed and manipulated seperately.
When the phonon spectrum of a material is measured in a scattering experiment, selection rules preclude the observation of phonons that are odd under reflection by the scattering plane. Understanding these rules is crucial to correctly interpret experiments and to detect broken symmetries. Taking graphene as a case study, in this work we derive the complete set of selection rules for the honeycomb lattice, showing that some of them have been missed or misinterpreted in the literature. Focusing on the technique of high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS), we calculate the scattering intensity for a simple force constant model to illustrate these rules. In addition, we present HREELS measurements of the phonon dispersion for graphene on Ru(0001) and find excellent agreement with the theory. We also illustrate the effect of different symmetry breaking scenarios in the selection rules and discuss previous experiments in light of our results.
Finding a clear signature of topological superconductivity in transport experiments remains an outstanding challenge. In this work, we propose exploiting the unique properties of three-dimensional topological insulator nanowires to generate a normal-superconductor junction in the single-mode regime where an exactly quantized $2e^2/h$ zero-bias conductance can be observed over a wide range of realistic system parameters. This is achieved by inducing superconductivity in half of the wire, which can be tuned at will from trivial to topological with a parallel magnetic field, while a perpendicular field is used to gap out the normal part, except for two spatially separated chiral channels. The combination of chiral mode transport and perfect Andreev reflection makes the measurement robust to moderate disorder, and the quantization of conductance survives to much higher temperatures than in tunnel junction experiments. Our proposal may be understood as a variant of a Majorana interferometer which is easily realizable in experiments.
Lattices with a basis can host crystallographic defects which share the same topological charge (e.g.~the Burgers vector $vec b$ of a dislocation) but differ in their microscopic structure of the core. We demonstrate that in insulators with particle-hole symmetry and an odd number of orbitals per site, the microscopic details drastically affect the electronic structure: modifications can create or annihilate non-trivial bound states with an associated fractional charge. We show that this observation is related to the behavior of end modes of a dimerized chain and discuss how the end or defect states are predicted from topological invariants in these more complicated cases. Furthermore, using explicit examples on the honeycomb lattice, we explain how bound states in vacancies, dislocations and disclinations are related to each other and to edge modes and how similar features arise in nodal semimetals such as graphene.
105 - Fernando de Juan 2013
Dirac fermions in graphene can be subjected to non-abelian gauge fields by implementing certain modulations of the carbon site potentials. Artificial graphene, engineered with a lattice of CO molecules on top of the surface of Cu, offers an ideal arena to study their effects. In this work, we show by symmetry arguments how the underlying CO lattice must be deformed to obtain these gauge fields, and estimate their strength. We also discuss the fundamental differences between abelian and non-abelian gauge fields from the Dirac electrons point of view, and show how a constant (non-abelian) magnetic field gives rise to either a Landau level spectrum or a quadratic band touching, depending on the gauge field that realizes it (a known feature of non-abelian gauge fields known as the Wu-Yang ambiguity). We finally present the characteristic signatures of these effects in the site-resolved density of states that can be directly measured in the current molecular graphene experiment, and discuss prospects to realize the interaction induced broken symmetry states of a quadratic touching in this system.
Dirac electrons in graphene in the presence of Coulomb interactions of strength $beta$ have been shown to display power law behavior with $beta$ dependent exponents in certain correlation functions, which we call the mass susceptibilities of the system. In this work, we first discuss how this phenomenon is intimately related to the excitonic insulator transition, showing the explicit relation between the gap equation and response function approaches to this problem. We then provide a general computation of these mass susceptibilities in the ladder approximation, and present an analytical computation of the static exponent within a simplified kernel model, obtaining $eta_0 =sqrt{1-beta/beta_c}$ . Finally we emphasize that the behavior of these susceptibilities provides new experimental signatures of interactions, such as power law Kohn anomalies in the dispersion of several phonons, which could potentially be used as a measurement of $beta$.
Phonon dispersions generically display non-analytic points, known as Kohn anomalies, due to electron-phonon interactions. We analyze this phenomenon for a zone boundary phonon in undoped graphene. When electron-electron interactions with coupling constant $beta$ are taken into account, one observes behavior demonstrating that the electrons are in a critical phase: the phonon dispersion and lifetime develop power law behavior with $beta$ dependent exponents. The observation of this signature would allow experimental access to the critical properties of the electron state, and would provide a measure of its proximity to an excitonic insulating phase.

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