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Crystal structure and epitaxy of Bi2Te3 films grown on Si

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 نشر من قبل Jihwey Park
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report comprehensive x-ray diffraction studies of the crystal structure and epitaxy of thin films of the topological insulator Bi2Te3 grown on Si (1 1 1). The films are single crystals of high crystalline quality, which strongly depends on that of their substrates, with in-plane epitaxial relationships of Bi2Te3 [2 1 -3 0] || Si [1 -1 0] and Bi2Te3 [0 1 -1 0] || Si [1 1 -2] along which the lattices of 1x3 Bi2Te3 and 2x2 Si supercells are well matched. As the samples age, we observe loss of crystalline Bi2Te3 film thickness accompanied with roughening of the crystalline interfaces, formation of new crystalline phases as well as compositional and structural modification of the Si substrate, consistent with the diffusion of Te into the Si substrate.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The surface electronic properties of the important topological insulator Bi2Te3 are shown to be robust under an extended surface preparation procedure which includes exposure to atmosphere and subsequent cleaning and recrystallization by an optimized in-situ sputter-anneal procedure under ultra high vacuum conditions. Clear Dirac-cone features are displayed in high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectra from the resulting samples, indicating remarkable insensitivity of the topological surface state to cleaning-induced surface roughness.
Using high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the electronic structure near the Fermi level and the topological property of the Bi(111) films grown on the Bi$_2$Te$_3$(111) substrate were studied. Very different from the bulk Bi, w e found another surface band near the $bar{M}$ point besides the two well-known surface bands on the Bi(111) surface. With this new surface band, the bulk valence band and the bulk conduction band of Bi can be connected by the surface states. Our band mapping revealed odd number of Fermi crossings of the surface bands, which provided a direct experimental signature that Bi(111) thin films of a certain thickness on the Bi$_2$Te$_3$(111) substrate can be topologically nontrivial in three dimension.
We have used Raman spectroscopy to study indium nitride thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (111) silicon substrates at temperatures between 450 and 550 C. The Raman spectra show well defined peaks at 443, 475, 491, and 591 cm{-1}, which co rrespond to the A_1(TO), E_1(TO), E_2^{high}, and A_1(LO) phonons of the wurtzite structure, respectively. In backscattering normal to the surface the A_1(TO) and E_1(TO) peaks are very weak, indicating that the films grow along the hexagonal c axis. The dependence of the peak width on growth temperature reveals that the optimum temperature is 500 C, for which the fullwidth of the E_2^{high} peak has the minimum value of 7 cm{-1}. This small value, comparable to previous results for InN films grown on sapphire, is evidence of the good crystallinity of the films.
Epitaxial films of Co40Fe40B20 (further - CoFeB) were grown on Bi2Te3(001) and Bi2Se3(001) substrates by laser molecular beam epitaxy (LMBE) technique at 200-400C. Bcc-type crystalline structure of CoFeB with (111) plane parallel to (001) plane of Bi 2Te3 was observed, in contrast to polycrystalline CoFeB film formed on Bi2Se3(001) at RT using high-temperature seeding layer. Therefore, structurally ordered ferromagnetic thin films were obtained on the topological insulator surface for the first time. Using high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) 3D reciprocal space mapping, epitaxial relations of main crystallographic axes for the CoFeB/ Bi2Te3 heterostructure were revealed. MOKE and AFM measurements showed the isotropic azimuthal in-plane behavior of magnetization vector in CoFeB/ Bi2Te3, in contrast to 2nd order magnetic anisotropy seen in CoFeB/Bi2Se3. XPS measurements showed more stable behavior of CoFeB grown on Bi2Te3 to the oxidation, in compare to CoFeB grown on Bi2Se3. XAS and XMCD measurements of both concerned nanostructures allowed calculation of spin and orbital magnetic moments for Co and Fe. Additionally, crystalline structure and XMCD response of the CoFeB/BiTeI and Co55Fe45/BiTeI systems were studied, epitaxial relations of main crystallographic axes were found, and spin and orbital magnetic moments were calculated.
The correlation between magnetic and structural properties of Co_{2} FeAl (CFA) thin films of different thickness (10 nm<d< 100 nm) grown at room temperature on MgO-buffered Si/SiO2 substrates and annealed at 600lyxmathsym{textdegree}C has been studi ed. XRD measurements revealed an (011) out-of-plane texture growth of the films. The deduced lattice parameter increases with the film thickness. Moreover, pole figures showed no in-plane preferential growth orientation. The magneto-optical Kerr effect hysteresis loops showed the presence of a weak in-plane uniaxial anisotropy with a random easy axis direction. The coercive field measured with an applied field along the easy axis direction and the uniaxial anisotropy field increase linearly with the inverse of the CFA thickness. The microstrip line ferromagnetic resonance measurements for in-plane and perpendicular applied magnetic fields revealed that the effective magnetization and the uniaxial in-palne anisotropy field follow a linear variation versus the inverse CFA thickness. This allows deriving a perpendicular surface anisotropy coefficient of -1.86 erg/cm2
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