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Traveling wave parametric amplifier with Josephson junctions using minimal resonator phase matching

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 نشر من قبل Ted White
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Josephson parametric amplifiers have become a critical tool in superconducting device physics due to their high gain and quantum-limited noise. Traveling wave parametric amplifiers (TWPAs) promise similar noise performance while allowing for significant increases in both bandwidth and dynamic range. We present a TWPA device based on an LC-ladder transmission line of Josephson junctions and parallel plate capacitors using low-loss amorphous silicon dielectric. Crucially, we have inserted $lambda/4$ resonators at regular intervals along the transmission line in order to maintain the phase matching condition between pump, signal, and idler and increase gain. We achieve an average gain of 12,dB across a 4,GHz span, along with an average saturation power of -92,dBm with noise approaching the quantum limit.

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We have developed a Josephson parametric amplifier, comprising a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator terminated by a dc SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device). An external field (the pump, $sim 20$ GHz) modulates the flux thread ing the dc SQUID, and, thereby, the resonant frequency of the cavity field (the signal, $sim 10$ GHz), which leads to parametric signal amplification. We operated the amplifier at different band centers, and observed amplification (17 dB at maximum) and deamplification depending on the relative phase between the pump and the signal. The noise temperature is estimated to be less than 0.87 K.
We have fabricated a wide-bandwidth, high dynamic range, low-noise cryogenic amplifier based on a superconducting kinetic inductance traveling-wave device. The device was made from NbTiN and consisted of a long, coplanar waveguide on a silicon chip. By adding a DC current and an RF pump tone we are able to generate parametric amplification using three-wave mixing. The devices exhibit gain of more than 15 dB across an instantaneous bandwidth from 4 to 8 GHz. The total usable gain bandwidth, including both sides of the signal-idler gain region, is more than 6 GHz. The noise referred to the input of the devices approaches the quantum limit, with less than 1 photon excess noise. Compared to similarly constructed four-wave mixing amplifiers, these devices operate with the RF pump at $sim$20 dB lower power and at frequencies far from the signal. This will permit easier integration into large scale qubit and detector applications.
Traveling wave parametric amplification in a nonlinear medium provides broadband quantum-noise limited gain and is a remarkable resource for the detection of electromagnetic radiation. This nonlinearity is at the same time the key to the amplificatio n phenomenon but also the cause of a fundamental limitation: poor phase matching between the signal and the pump. Here we solve this issue with a new phase matching mechanism based on the sign reversal of the Kerr nonlinearity. We present a novel traveling wave parametric amplifier composed of a chain of superconducting nonlinear asymmetric inductive elements (SNAILs) which allows this sign reversal when biased with the proper magnetic flux. Compared to previous state of the art phase matching approaches, this reversed Kerr phase matching mechanism avoids the presence of gaps in transmission, reduces gain ripples, and allows in situ tunability of the amplification band over an unprecedented wide range. Besides such notable advancements in the amplification performance, with direct applications to superconducting quantum computing, the in-situ tunability of the nonlinearity in traveling wave structures, with no counterpart in optics to the best of our knowledge, opens exciting experimental possibilities in the general framework of microwave quantum optics and single-photon detection.
254 - X. Zhou , V. Schmitt , P. Bertet 2014
We have developed and measured a high-gain quantum-limited microwave parametric amplifier based on a superconducting lumped LC resonator with the inductor L including an array of 8 superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). This amplifier is parametrically pumped by modulating the flux threading the SQUIDs at twice the resonator frequency. Around 5 GHz, a maximum gain of 31 dB, a product amplitude-gain x bandwidth above 60 MHz, and a 1 dB compression point of -123 dBm at 20 dB gain are obtained in the non-degenerate mode of operation. Phase sensitive amplification-deamplification is also measured in the degenerate mode and yields a maximum gain of 37 dB. The compression point obtained is 18 dB above what would be obtained with a single SQUID of the same inductance, due to the smaller nonlinearity of the SQUID array.
351 - A. Gumann , N. Schopohl 2009
We show that a constriction-type Josephson junction realized by an epitactic thin film of a d-wave superconductor with an appropriate boundary geometry exhibits intrinsic phase differences between 0 and pi depending on geometric parameters and temper ature. Based on microscopic Eilenberger theory, we provide a general derivation of the relation between the change of the free energy of the junction and the current-phase relation. From the change of the free energy, we calculate phase diagrams and discuss transitions driven by geometric parameters and temperature.
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