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Multi-loop Amplitudes and Resummation

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 نشر من قبل Maria E. Tejeda-Yeomans
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We explore the relation between resummation and explicit multi-loop calculations for QCD hard-scattering amplitudes. We describe how the factorization properties of amplitudes lead to the exponentiation of double and single poles at each order of perturbation theory. For these amplitudes, previously-observed relations between single and double poles in different 2 to 2 processes can now be interpreted in terms of universal functions associated with external partons and process-dependent anomalous dimensions that describe coherent soft radiation. Catanis proposal for multiple poles in dimensionally-continued amplitudes emerges naturally.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

147 - A. Lazopoulos 2008
A c++ implementation of the D_s-dimensional unitarity cut algorithm for the numerical evaluation of the virtual contribution to NLO QCD amplitudes is presented. The current version includes an arbitrary number of external gluons with gluonic propagat ors in the loop. The building blocks are tree level color-ordered amplitudes with gluons and with gluons and two scalars in five dimensions. Numerical stability issues are addressed and agreement has been reached with the results published in the literature.
The computation of multi-loop multi-leg scattering amplitudes plays a key role to improve the precision of theoretical predictions for particle physics at high-energy colliders. In this work, we focus on the mathematical properties of the novel integ rand-level representation of Feynman integrals, which is based on the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD). We explore the behaviour of the multi-loop iterated residues and explicitly show, by developing a general formal proof for the first time, that contributions associated to displaced poles are cancelled out. The remaining residues, called nested residues as originally introduced in Ref. cite{Verdugo:2020kzh}, encode the relevant physical information and are naturally mapped onto physical configurations associated to nondisjoint on-shell states. By going further on the mathematical structure of the nested residues, we prove that unphysical singularities vanish, and show how the final expressions can be written by using only causal denominators. In this way, we provide a mathematical proof for the all-loop formulae presented in Ref. cite{Aguilera-Verdugo:2020kzc}.
We perform a dedicated study of the $q bar{q}$-initiated two-loop electroweak-QCD Drell-Yan scattering amplitude in dimensional regularization schemes for vanishing light quark and lepton masses. For the relative order $alpha$ and $alpha_s$ one-loop Standard Model corrections, details of our comparison to the original literature are given. The infrared pole terms of the mixed two-loop amplitude are governed by a known generalization of the dipole formula and we show explicitly that exactly the same two-loop polarized hard scattering functions are obtained in both the standard t Hooft-Veltman-Breitenlohner-Maison $gamma_5$ scheme and Kreimers anticommuting $gamma_5$ scheme.
In this talk, we review recent developments towards the calculation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes. In particular, we discuss how the colour-kinematics duality can provide new integral relations at one-loop level via the Loop-Tree duality formal ism. On the other hand, in order to compute scattering amplitudes at one- and two-loop level, numerically and analytically, we describe the preliminary automation of the adaptive integrand decomposition algorithm. We show preliminary results on the analytic reduction of the $mu e$-elastic scattering at one- and two-loop level.
We present the first public version of Caravel, a C++17 framework for the computation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory, based on the numerical unitarity method. Caravel is composed of modules for the $D$-dimensional decompo sition of integrands of scattering amplitudes into master and surface terms, the computation of tree-level amplitudes in floating point or finite-field arithmetic, the numerical computation of one- and two-loop amplitudes in QCD and Einstein gravity, and functional reconstruction tools. We provide programs that showcase Caravels main functionalities and allow to compute selected one- and two-loop amplitudes.
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