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Convex-cocompact subgroups of the Goeritz group

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 نشر من قبل Bena Tshishiku
 تاريخ النشر 2021
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 تأليف Bena Tshishiku

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We show that finitely-generated, purely pseudo-Anosov subgroups of the genus-2 Goeritz group are convex cocompact in the genus-2 mapping class group.

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A Kleinian group $Gamma < mathrm{Isom}(mathbb H^3)$ is called convex cocompact if any orbit of $Gamma$ in $mathbb H^3$ is quasiconvex or, equivalently, $Gamma$ acts cocompactly on the convex hull of its limit set in $partial mathbb H^3$. Subgroup sta bility is a strong quasiconvexity condition in finitely generated groups which is intrinsic to the geometry of the ambient group and generalizes the classical quasiconvexity condition above. Importantly, it coincides with quasiconvexity in hyperbolic groups and convex cocompactness in mapping class groups. Using the Morse boundary, we develop an equivalent characterization of subgroup stability which generalizes the above boundary characterization from Kleinian groups.
We consider the question of which right-angled Artin groups contain closed hyperbolic surface subgroups. It is known that a right-angled Artin group $A(K)$ has such a subgroup if its defining graph $K$ contains an $n$-hole (i.e. an induced cycle of l ength $n$) with $ngeq 5$. We construct another eight forbidden graphs and show that every graph $K$ on $le 8$ vertices either contains one of our examples, or contains a hole of length $ge 5$, or has the property that $A(K)$ does not contain hyperbolic closed surface subgroups. We also provide several sufficient conditions for a RAAG to contain no hyperbolic surface subgroups. We prove that for one of these forbidden subgraphs $P_2(6)$, the right angled Artin group $A(P_2(6))$ is a subgroup of a (right angled Artin) diagram group. Thus we show that a diagram group can contain a non-free hyperbolic subgroup answering a question of Guba and Sapir. We also show that fundamental groups of non-orientable surfaces can be subgroups of diagram groups. Thus the first integral homology of a subgroup of a diagram group can have torsion (all homology groups of all diagram groups are free Abelian by a result of Guba and Sapir).
The Tits Conjecture, proved by Crisp and Paris, states that squares of the standard generators of any Artin group generate an obvious right-angled Artin subgroup. We consider a larger set of elements consisting of all the centers of the irreducible s pherical special subgroups of the Artin group, and conjecture that sufficiently large powers of those elements generate an obvious right-angled Artin subgroup. This alleged right-angled Artin subgroup is in some sense as large as possible; its nerve is homeomorphic to the nerve of the ambient Artin group. We verify this conjecture for the class of locally reducible Artin groups, which includes all $2$-dimensional Artin groups, and for spherical Artin groups of any type other than $E_6$, $E_7$, $E_8$. We use our results to conclude that certain Artin groups contain hyperbolic surface subgroups, answering questions of Gordon, Long and Reid.
We count the finitely generated subgroups of the modular group $textsf{PSL}(2,mathbb{Z})$. More precisely: each such subgroup $H$ can be represented by its Stallings graph $Gamma(H)$, we consider the number of vertices of $Gamma(H)$ to be the size of $H$ and we count the subgroups of size $n$. Since an index $n$ subgroup has size $n$, our results generalize the known results on the enumeration of the finite index subgroups of $textsf{PSL}(2,mathbb{Z})$. We give asymptotic equivalents for the number of finitely generated subgroups of $textsf{PSL}(2,mathbb{Z})$, as well as of the number of finite index subgroups, free subgroups and free finite index subgroups. We also give the expected value of the isomorphism type of a size $n$ subgroup and prove a large deviations statement concerning this value. Similar results are proved for finite index and for free subgroups. Finally, we show how to efficiently generate uniformly at random a size $n$ subgroup (resp. finite index subgroup, free subgroup) of $textsf{PSL}(2,mathbb{Z})$.
We show that one can define and effectively compute Stallings graphs for quasi-convex subgroups of automatic groups (textit{e.g.} hyperbolic groups or right-angled Artin groups). These Stallings graphs are finite labeled graphs, which are canonically associated with the corresponding subgroups. We show that this notion of Stallings graphs allows a unified approach to many algorithmic problems: some which had already been solved like the generalized membership problem or the computation of a quasi-convexity constant (Kapovich, 1996); and others such as the computation of intersections, the conjugacy or the almost malnormality problems. Our results extend earlier algorithmic results for the more restricted class of virtually free groups. We also extend our construction to relatively quasi-convex subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups, under certain additional conditions.
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