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Quantum computation and measurements from an exotic space-time R4

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 نشر من قبل Michel Planat Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The authors previously found a model of universal quantum computation by making use of the coset structure of subgroups of a free group $G$ with relations. A valid subgroup $H$ of index $d$ in $G$ leads to a magic state $left|psirightrangle$ in $d$-dimensional Hilbert space that encodes a minimal informationally complete quantum measurement (or MIC), possibly carrying a finite contextual geometry. In the present work, we choose $G$ as the fundamental group $pi_1(V)$ of an exotic $4$-manifold $V$, more precisely a small exotic (space-time) $R^4$ (that is homeomorphic and isometric, but not diffeomorphic to the Euclidean $mathbb{R}^4$). Our selected example, due to to S. Akbulut and R.~E. Gompf, has two remarkable properties: (i) it shows the occurence of standard contextual geometries such as the Fano plane (at index $7$), Mermins pentagram (at index $10$), the two-qubit commutation picture $GQ(2,2)$ (at index $15$) as well as the combinatorial Grassmannian Gr$(2,8)$ (at index $28$) , (ii) it allows the interpretation of MICs measurements as arising from such exotic (space-time) $R^4$s. Our new picture relating a topological quantum computing and exotic space-time is also intended to become an approach of quantum gravity.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study inelastic resonant scattering of a Gaussian wave packet with the parameters close to a zero of the complex scattering coefficient. We demonstrate, both theoretically and experimentally, that such near-zero scattering can result in anomalousl y-large time delays and frequency shifts of the scattered wave packet. Furthermore, we reveal a close analogy of these anomalous shifts with the spatial and angular Goos-Hanchen optical beam shifts, which are amplified via quantum weak measurements. However, in contrast to other beam-shift and weak-measurement systems, we deal with a one-dimensional scalar wave without any intrinsic degrees of freedom. It is the non-Hermitian nature of the system that produces its rich and non-trivial behaviour. Our results are generic for any scattering problem, either quantum or classical. As an example, we consider the transmission of an optical pulse through a nano-fiber with a side-coupled toroidal micro-resonator. The zero of the transmission coefficient corresponds to the critical coupling conditions. Experimental measurements of the time delays near the critical-coupling parameters verify our weak-measurement theory and demonstrate amplification of the time delay from the typical inverse resonator linewidth scale to the pulse duration scale.
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The dynamics of many open quantum systems are described by stochastic master equations. In the discrete-time case, we recall the structure of the derived quantum filter governing the evolution of the density operator conditioned to the measurement ou tcomes. We then describe the structure of the corresponding particle quantum filters for estimating constant parameter and we prove their stability. In the continuous-time (diffusive) case, we propose a new formulation of these particle quantum filters. The interest of this new formulation is first to prove stability, and also to provide an efficient algorithm preserving, for any discretization step-size, positivity of the quantum states and parameter classical probabilities. This algorithm is tested on experimental data to estimate the detection efficiency for a superconducting qubit whose fluorescence field is measured using a heterodyne detector.
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