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Parameter estimation from measurements along quantum trajectories

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 نشر من قبل Pierre Rouchon
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The dynamics of many open quantum systems are described by stochastic master equations. In the discrete-time case, we recall the structure of the derived quantum filter governing the evolution of the density operator conditioned to the measurement outcomes. We then describe the structure of the corresponding particle quantum filters for estimating constant parameter and we prove their stability. In the continuous-time (diffusive) case, we propose a new formulation of these particle quantum filters. The interest of this new formulation is first to prove stability, and also to provide an efficient algorithm preserving, for any discretization step-size, positivity of the quantum states and parameter classical probabilities. This algorithm is tested on experimental data to estimate the detection efficiency for a superconducting qubit whose fluorescence field is measured using a heterodyne detector.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We employ a quantum trajectory approach to characterize synchronization and phase-locking between open quantum systems in nonequilibrium steady states. We exemplify our proposal for the paradigmatic case of two quantum Van der Pol oscillators interac ting through dissipative coupling. We show the deep impact of synchronization on the statistics of phase-locking indicators and other correlation measures defined for single trajectories, spotting a link between the presence of synchronization and the emergence of large tails in the probability distribution for the entanglement along trajectories. Our results shed new light on fundamental issues regarding quantum synchronization providing new methods for its precise quantification.
This paper concerns state constrained optimal control problems, in which the dynamic constraint takes the form of a differential inclusion. If the differential inclusion does not depend on time, then the Hamiltonian, evaluated along the optimal state trajectory and the co-state trajectory, is independent of time. If the differential inclusion is Lipschitz continuous, then the Hamitonian, evaluated along the optimal state trajectory and the co-state trajectory, is Lipschitz continuous. These two well-known results are examples of the following principle: the Hamiltonian, evaluated along the optimal state trajectory and the co-state trajectory, inherits the regularity properties of the differential inclusion, regarding its time dependence. We show that this principle also applies to another kind of regularity: if the differential inclusion has bounded variation with respect to time, then the Hamiltonian, evaluated along the optimal state trajectory and the co-state trajectory, has bounded variation. Two applications of these newly found properties are demonstrated. One is to derive improved conditions which guarantee the nondegeneracy of necessary conditions of optimality, in the form of a Hamiltonian inclusion. The other application is to derive new, less restrictive, conditions under which minimizers in the calculus of variations have bounded slope. The analysis is based on a new, local, concept of differential inclusions that have bounded variation with respect to the time variable, in which conditions are imposed on the multifunction involved, only in a neighborhood of a given state trajectory.
A long-standing challenge in mixed quantum-classical trajectory simulations is the treatment of entanglement between the classical and quantal degrees of freedom. We present a novel approach which describes the emergence of entangled states entirely in terms of independent and deterministic Ehrenfest-like classical trajectories. For a two-level quantum system in a classical environment, this is derived by mapping the quantum system onto a path-integral representation of a spin-1/2. We demonstrate that the method correctly accounts for coherence and decoherence and thus reproduces the splitting of a wavepacket in a nonadiabatic scattering problem. This discovery opens up a new class of simulations as an alternative to stochastic surface-hopping, coupled-trajectory or semiclassical approaches.
This work contributes to the limited literature on estimating the diffusivity or drift coefficient of nonlinear SPDEs driven by additive noise. Assuming that the solution is measured locally in space and over a finite time interval, we show that the augmented maximum likelihood estimator introduced in Altmeyer, Reiss (2020) retains its asymptotic properties when used for semilinear SPDEs that satisfy some abstract, and verifiable, conditions. The proofs of asymptotic results are based on splitting the solution in linear and nonlinear parts and fine regularity properties in $L^p$-spaces. The obtained general results are applied to particular classes of equations, including stochastic reaction-diffusion equations. The stochastic Burgers equation, as an example with first order nonlinearity, is an interesting borderline case of the general results, and is treated by a Wiener chaos expansion. We conclude with numerical examples that validate the theoretical results.
We evaluate the contribution of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization spectra to cosmological parameter constraints. We produce cosmological parameters using high-quality CMB polarization data from the ground-based QUaD experiment and demons trate for the majority of parameters that there is significant improvement on the constraints obtained from satellite CMB polarization data. We split a multi-experiment CMB dataset into temperature and polarization subsets and show that the best-fit confidence regions for the LCDM 6-parameter cosmological model are consistent with each other, and that polarization data reduces the confidence regions on all parameters. We provide the best limits on parameters from QUaD EE/BB polarization data and we find best-fit parameters from the multi-experiment CMB dataset using the optimal pivot scale of k_p=0.013 Mpc-1 to be {omch2, ombh2, H_0, A_s, n_s, tau}= {0.113, 0.0224, 70.6, 2.29 times 10^-9, 0.960, 0.086}.
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