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Origin and tuning of room-temperature multiferroicity in Fe doped BaTiO$_3$

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 نشر من قبل Debraj Choudhury
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Simultaneous co-existence of room-temperature(T) ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in Fe doped BaTiO$_3$ (BTO) is intriguing, as such Fe doping into tetragonal BTO, a room-T ferroelectric (FE), results in the stabilization of its hexagonal polymorph which is FE only below $sim$80K. Here, we investigate its origin and show that Fe-doped BTO has a mixed-phase room-temperature multiferroicity, where the ferromagnetism comes from the majority hexagonal phase and a minority tetragonal phase gives rise to the observed weak ferroelectricity. In order to achieve majority tetragonal phase (responsible for room-T ferroelectricity) in Fe-doped BTO, we investigate the role of different parameters which primarily control the PE hexagonal phase stability over the FE tetragonal one and identify three major factors namely, the effect of ionic size, Jahn-Teller (J-T) distortions and oxygen vacancies (OVs), to be primarily responsible. The effect of ionic size which can be qualitatively represented using the Goldschmidts tolerance (GT) factor seems to be the major dictating factor for the hexagonal phase stability. The understanding of these factors not only enables us to control them but also, achieve suitable co-doped BTO compound with enhanced room-T multiferroic properties.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Fe doping into BaTiO3, stabilizes the paraelectric hexagonal phase in place of the ferroelectric tetragonal one [P. Pal et al. Phys. Rev. B, 101, 064409 (2020)]. We show that simultaneous doping of Bi along with Fe into BaTiO3 effectively enhances th e magnetoelectric (ME) multiferroic response (both ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity) at room-temperature, through careful tuning of Fe valency along with the controlled-recovery of ferroelectric-tetragonal phase. We also report systematic increase in large dielectric constant values as well as reduction in loss tangent values with relatively moderate temperature variation of dielectric constant around room-temperature with increasing Bi doping content in Ba1-xBixTi0.9Fe0.1O3 (0<x<0.1), which makes the higher Bi-Fe codoped sample (x=0.08) promising for the use as room-temperature high-k dielectric material. Interestingly, x=0.08 (Bi-Fe codoped) sample is not only found to be ferroelectrically (~20 times) and ferromagnetically (~6 times) stronger than x=0 (only Fe-doped) at room temperature, but also observed to be better insulating (larger bandgap) with indirect signatures of larger ME coupling as indicated from anomalous reduction of magnetic coercive field with decreasing temperature. Thus, room-temperature ME multiferroicity has been engineered in Bi and Fe codoped BTO (BaTiO3) compounds.
We argue that the centrosymmetric $C2/c$ symmetry in BiMnO$_3$ is spontaneously broken by antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions existing in the system. The true symmetry is expected to be $Cc$, which is compatible with the noncollinear magnetic ground state, where the ferromagnetic order along one crystallographic axis coexists with the the hidden AFM order and related to it ferroelectric polarization along two other axes. The $C2/c$ symmetry can be restored by the magnetic field $B sim 35$ Tesla, which switches off the ferroelectric polarization. Our analysis is based on the solution of the low-energy model constructed for the 3d-bands of BiMnO$_3$, where all the parameters have been derived from the first-principles calculations. Test calculations for isostructural BiCrO$_3$ reveal an excellent agreement with experimental data.
Artificial tuning of dielectric parameters can result from interface conductivity in polycrystalline materials. In ferroelectric single crystals, it was already shown that ferroelectric domain walls can be the source of such artificial coupling. We s how here that low temperature dielectric losses can be tuned by a dc magnetic field. Since such losses were previously ascribed to polaron relaxation we suggest this results from the interaction of hopping polarons with the magnetic field. The fact that this losses alteration has no counterpart on the real part of the dielectric permittivity confirms that no interface is to be involved in this purely dynamical effect. The contribution of mobile charges hopping among Fe related centers was confirmed by ESR spectroscopy showing maximum intensity at ca Tsim40 K.
201 - Z. Q. Liu , W. M. Lu , S. L. Lim 2012
The search for oxide-based room-temperature ferromagnetism has been one of the holy grails in condensed matter physics. Room-temperature ferromagnetism observed in Nb-doped SrTiO3 single crystals is reported in this Rapid Communication. The ferromagn etism can be eliminated by air annealing (making the samples predominantly diamagnetic) and can be recovered by subsequent vacuum annealing. The temperature dependence of magnetic moment resembles the temperature dependence of carrier density, indicating that the magnetism is closely related to the free carriers. Our results suggest that the ferromagnetism is induced by oxygen vacancies. In addition, hysteretic magnetoresistance was observed for magnetic field parallel to current, indicating that the magnetic moments are in the plane of the samples. The x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, the static time-of-flight and the dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy and proton induced x-ray emission measurements were performed to examine magnetic impurities, showing that the observed ferromagnetism is unlikely due to any magnetic contaminant.
The high Curie temperature multiferroic compound, CuO, has a quasidegenerate magnetic ground state that makes it prone to manipulation by the so called ``order-by-disorder mechanism. First principle computations supplemented with Monte Carlo simulati ons and experiments show that isovalent doping allows to stabilize the multiferroic phase in non-ferroelectric regions of the pristine material phase-diagram with experiments reaching a 250% widening of the ferroelectric temperature window with 5% of Zn doping. Our results allow to validate the importance of a quasidegenerate ground state on promoting multiferroicity on CuO at high temperatures and open a path to the material engineering of new multiferroic materials.
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