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Magnetic ground state and multiferroicity in BiMnO$_3$

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 نشر من قبل Igor Solovyev
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We argue that the centrosymmetric $C2/c$ symmetry in BiMnO$_3$ is spontaneously broken by antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions existing in the system. The true symmetry is expected to be $Cc$, which is compatible with the noncollinear magnetic ground state, where the ferromagnetic order along one crystallographic axis coexists with the the hidden AFM order and related to it ferroelectric polarization along two other axes. The $C2/c$ symmetry can be restored by the magnetic field $B sim 35$ Tesla, which switches off the ferroelectric polarization. Our analysis is based on the solution of the low-energy model constructed for the 3d-bands of BiMnO$_3$, where all the parameters have been derived from the first-principles calculations. Test calculations for isostructural BiCrO$_3$ reveal an excellent agreement with experimental data.

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We have grown epitaxial thin films of multiferroic BiMnO$_3$ using pulsed laser deposition. The films were grown on SrTiO$_3$ (001) substrates by ablating a Bi-rich target. Using x-ray diffraction we confirmed that the films were epitaxial and the st oichiometry of the films was confirmed using Auger electron spectroscopy. The films have a ferromagnetic Curie temperature ($T_C$) of 85$pm$5 K and a saturation magnetization of 1 $mu_B$/Mn. The electric polarization as a function of electric field ($P-E$) was measured using an interdigital capacitance geometry. The $P-E$ plot shows a clear hysteresis that confirms the multiferroic nature of the thin films.
Atomistic defect engineering through the pulsed laser epitaxy of perovskite transition metal oxides offers facile control of their emergent opto-electromagnetic and energy properties. Among the various perovskite oxides, EuTiO3 exhibits a strong coup ling between the lattice, electronic, and magnetic degrees of freedom. This coupling is highly susceptible to atomistic defects. In this study, we investigated the magnetic phase of EuTiO$_3$ epitaxial thin films via systematic defect engineering. A magnetic phase transition from an antiferromagnet to a ferromagnet was observed when the unit cell volume of EuTiO3 expanded due to the introduction of Eu-O vacancies. Optical spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations show that the change in the electronic structure as the ferromagnetic phase emerges can be attributed to the weakened Eu-Ti-Eu super-exchange interaction and the developed ferromagnetic Eu-O-Eu interaction. Facile defect engineering in EuTiO$_3$ thin films facilitates understanding and tailoring of their magnetic ground state.
254 - K. F. Wang , J. -M. Liu , 2009
Multiferroics, defined for those multifunctional materials in which two or more kinds of fundamental ferroicities coexist, have become one of the hottest topics of condensed matter physics and materials science in recent years. The coexistence of sev eral order parameters in multiferroics brings out novel physical phenomena and offers possibilities for new device functions. The revival of research activities on multiferroics is evidenced by some novel discoveries and concepts, both experimentally and theoretically. In this review article, we outline some of the progressive milestones in this stimulating field, specially for those single phase multiferroics where magnetism and ferroelectricity coexist. Firstly, we will highlight the physical concepts of multiferroicity and the current challenges to integrate the magnetism and ferroelectricity into a single-phase system. Subsequently, we will summarize various strategies used to combine the two types of orders. Special attentions to three novel mechanisms for multiferroicity generation: (1) the ferroelectricity induced by the spin orders such as spiral and E-phase antiferromagnetic spin orders, which break the spatial inversion symmetry, (2) the ferroelectricity originating from the charge ordered states, and (3) the ferrotoroidic system, will be paid. Then, we will address the elementary excitations such as electromagnons, and application potentials of multiferroics. Finally, open questions and opportunities will be prospected.
Simultaneous co-existence of room-temperature(T) ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in Fe doped BaTiO$_3$ (BTO) is intriguing, as such Fe doping into tetragonal BTO, a room-T ferroelectric (FE), results in the stabilization of its hexagonal polymorp h which is FE only below $sim$80K. Here, we investigate its origin and show that Fe-doped BTO has a mixed-phase room-temperature multiferroicity, where the ferromagnetism comes from the majority hexagonal phase and a minority tetragonal phase gives rise to the observed weak ferroelectricity. In order to achieve majority tetragonal phase (responsible for room-T ferroelectricity) in Fe-doped BTO, we investigate the role of different parameters which primarily control the PE hexagonal phase stability over the FE tetragonal one and identify three major factors namely, the effect of ionic size, Jahn-Teller (J-T) distortions and oxygen vacancies (OVs), to be primarily responsible. The effect of ionic size which can be qualitatively represented using the Goldschmidts tolerance (GT) factor seems to be the major dictating factor for the hexagonal phase stability. The understanding of these factors not only enables us to control them but also, achieve suitable co-doped BTO compound with enhanced room-T multiferroic properties.
69 - Y. Zhang , J. J. Gong , C. F. Li 2018
LiOsO$_3$ is the first experimentally confirmed polar metal with ferroelectric-like distortion. One puzzling experimental fact is its paramagnetic state down to very low temperature with negligible magnetic moment, which is anomalous considering its $5d^3$ electron configuration since other osmium oxides (e.g. NaOsO$_3$) with $5d^3$ Os ions are magnetic. Here the magnetic and electronic properties of LiOsO$_3$ are re-investigated carefully using the first-principles density functional theory. Our calculations reveal that the magnetic state of LiOsO$_3$ can be completely suppressed by the spin-orbit coupling. The subtle balance between significant spin-orbit coupling and weak Hubbard $U$ of $5d$ electrons can explain both the nonmagnetic LiOsO$_3$ and magnetic NaOsO$_3$. Our work provides a reasonable understanding of the long-standing puzzle of magnetism in some osmium oxides.
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