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Basic partitions and combinations of group actions on the circle: A new approach to a theorem of Kathryn Mann

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 نشر من قبل Shigenori Matsumoto
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let $Pi_g$ be the surface group of genus $g$ ($ggeq2$), and denote by $RR_{Pi_g}$ the space of the homomorphisms from $Pi_g$ into the group of the orientation preserving homeomorphisms of $S^1$. Let $2g-2=kl$ for some positive integers $k$ and $l$. Then the subset of $RR_{Pi_g}$ formed by those $varphi$ which are semiconjugate to $k$-fold lifts of some homomorphisms and which have Euler number $eu(varphi)=l$ is shown to be clopen. This leads to a new proof of the main result of Kathryn Mann cite{Mann} from a completely different approach.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

304 - Shigenori Matsumoto 2013
We give a shorter proof of the following theorem of Kathryn Mann cite{M}: the identity component of the group of the compactly supported $C^r$ diffeomorphisms of $R^n$ cannot admit a nontrivial $C^p$-action on $S^1$, provided $ngeq2$, $r eq n+1$ and $pgeq2$. We also give a new proof of another theorem of Mann: any nontrivial endomorphism of the group of the orientation preserving $C^r$ diffeomorphisms of the circle is the conjugation by a $C^r$ diffeomorphism, if $rgeq3$.
322 - A. S. Fokas , J. Lenells 2021
We propose a new approach for the solution of initial value problems for integrable evolution equations in the periodic setting based on the unified transform. Using the nonlinear Schrodinger equation as a model example, we show that the solution of the initial value problem on the circle can be expressed in terms of the solution of a Riemann-Hilbert problem whose formulation involves quantities which are defined in terms of the initial data alone. Our approach provides an effective solution of the problem on the circle which is conceptually analogous to the solution of the problem on the line via the inverse scattering transform.
203 - Lei Jin , Yixiao Qiao 2021
We refine two results in the paper entitled ``Sofic mean dimension by Hanfeng Li, improving two inequalities with two equalities, respectively, for sofic mean dimension of typical actions. On the one hand, we study sofic mean dimension of full shifts , for which, Li provided an upper bound which however is not optimal. We prove a more delicate estimate from above, which is optimal for sofic mean dimension of full shifts over arbitrary alphabets (i.e. compact metrizable spaces). Our refinement, together with the techniques (in relation to an estimate from below) in the paper entitled ``Mean dimension of full shifts by Masaki Tsukamoto, eventually allows us to get the exact value of sofic mean dimension of full shifts over any finite dimensional compact metrizable spaces. On the other hand, we investigate finite group actions. In contrast to the case that the acting group is infinite (and amenable), Li showed that if a finite group acts continuously on a finite dimensional compact metrizable space, then sofic mean dimension may be different from (strictly less than) the classical (i.e. amenable) mean dimension (an explicitly known value in this case). We strengthen this result by proving a sharp lower bound, which, combining with the upper bound, gives the exact value of sofic mean dimension for all the actions of finite groups on finite dimensional compact metrizable spaces. Furthermore, this equality leads to a satisfactory comparison theorem for those actions, deciding when sofic mean dimension would coincide with classical mean dimension. Moreover, our two results, in particular, verify for a typical class of sofic group actions that sofic mean dimension does not depend on sofic approximation sequences.
422 - Dou Dou , Ruifeng Zhang 2017
In this short note, for countably infinite amenable group actions, we provide topological proofs for the following results: Bowen topological entropy (dimensional entropy) of the whole space equals the usual topological entropy along tempered F{o}lne r sequences; the Hausdorff dimension of an amenable subshift (for certain metric associated to some F{o}lner sequence) equals its topological entropy. This answers questions by Zheng and Chen (Israel Journal of Mathematics 212 (2016), 895-911) and Simpson (Theory Comput. Syst. 56 (2015), 527-543).
We show that if $G_1$ and $G_2$ are non-solvable groups, then no $C^{1,tau}$ action of $(G_1times G_2)*mathbb{Z}$ on $S^1$ is faithful for $tau>0$. As a corollary, if $S$ is an orientable surface of complexity at least three then the critical regular ity of an arbitrary finite index subgroup of the mapping class group $mathrm{Mod}(S)$ with respect to the circle is at most one, thus strengthening a result of the first two authors with Baik.
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