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Observed galaxy number counts on the lightcone up to second order: II. Derivation

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 نشر من قبل Daniele Bertacca DR.
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Daniele Bertacca

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We present a detailed derivation of the observed galaxy number over-density on cosmological scales up to second order in perturbation theory. We include all relativistic effects that arise from observing on the past lightcone. The derivation is in a general gauge, and applies to all dark energy models (including interacting dark energy) and many modified gravity models. The result will be important for accurate cosmological parameter estimation, including non-Gaussianity, since all projection effects need to be taken into account. It also offers the potential for new probes of General Relativity, dark energy and modified gravity. This paper accompanies Paper I which presents the key results for the concordance model in Poisson gauge.

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234 - Daniele Bertacca 2014
We study up to second order the galaxy number over-density that depends on magnification in redshift space on cosmological scales for a concordance model. The result contains all general relativistic effects up to second order which arise from observ ing on the past light cone, including all redshift and lensing distortions, contributions from velocities, Sachs-Wolfe, integrated SW and time-delay terms. We find several new terms and contributions that could be potentially important for an accurate calculation of the bias on estimates of non-Gaussianity and on precision parameter estimates.
207 - Daniele Bertacca 2014
We present the galaxy number overdensity up to second order in redshift space on cosmological scales for a concordance model. The result contains all general relativistic effects up to second order that arise from observing on the past light cone, in cluding all redshift effects, lensing distortions from convergence and shear, and contributions from velocities, Sachs-Wolfe, integrated SW and time-delay terms. This result will be important for accurate calculation of the bias on estimates of non-Gaussianity and on precision parameter estimates, introduced by nonlinear projection effects.
Next generation surveys will be capable of determining cosmological parameters beyond percent level. To match this precision, theoretical descriptions should look beyond the linear perturbations to approximate the observables in large scale structure . A quantity of interest is the Number density of galaxies detected by our instruments. This has been focus of interest recently, and several efforts have been made to explain relativistic effects theoretically, thereby testing the full theory. However, the results at nonlinear level from previous works are in disagreement. We present a new and independent approach to computing the relativistic galaxy number counts to second order in cosmological perturbation theory. We derive analytical expressions for the full second order relativistic observed redshift, for the angular diameter distance and for the volume spanned by a survey. Finally, we compare our results with previous works which compute the general distance-redshift relation, finding that our result is in agreement at linear order.
Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) surveys are promising probes of cosmology - in particular for Dark Energy (DE) -, given their ability to find distant clusters and provide estimates for their mass. However, current SZ catalogs contain tens to hundreds of objec ts and maximum likelihood estimators may present biases for such sample sizes. In this work we use the Monte Carlo approach to determine the presence of bias on cosmological parameter estimators from cluster abundance as a function of the area and depth of the survey, and the number of cosmological parameters fitted. Assuming perfect knowledge of mass and redshift some estimators have non-negligible biases. For example, the bias of $sigma_8$ corresponds to about $40%$ of its statistical error bar when fitted together with $Omega_c$ and $w_0$. Including a SZ mass-observable relation decreases the relevance of the bias, for the typical sizes of current surveys. The biases become negligible when combining the SZ data with other cosmological probes. However, we show that the biases from SZ estimators do not go away with increasing sample sizes and they may become the dominant source of error for an all sky survey at the South Pole Telescope (SPT) sensitivity. The results of this work validate the use of the current maximum likelihood methods for present SZ surveys, but highlight the need for further studies for upcoming experiments. [abridged]
The galaxy number density is a key quantity to compare theoretical predictions to the observational data from current and future Large Scale Structure surveys. The precision demanded by these Stage IV surveys requires the use of second order cosmolog ical perturbation theory. Based on the independent calculation published previously, we present the result of the comparison with the results of three other groups at leading order. Overall we find that the differences between the different approaches lie mostly on the definition of certain quantities, where the ambiguity of signs results in the addition of extra terms at second order in perturbation theory.
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