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Electric field control of the magnetic chiralities in ferroaxial multiferroic RbFe(MoO4)2

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 نشر من قبل Alexander J. Hearmon
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The coupling of magnetic chiralities to the ferroelectric polarisation in multiferroic RbFe(MoO$_4$)$_2$ is investigated by neutron spherical polarimetry. Because of the axiality of the crystal structure below $T_textrm{c}$ = 190 K, helicity and triangular chirality are symmetric-exchange coupled, explaining the onset of the ferroelectricity in this proper-screw magnetic structure - a mechanism that can be generalised to other systems with ferroaxial distortions in the crystal structure. With an applied electric field we demonstrate control of the chiralities in both structural domains simultaneously.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We observe a disappearance of the 1/3 magnetization plateau and a striking change of the magnetic configuration under a moderate doping of the model triangular antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2. The reason is an effective lifting of degeneracy of mean-fiel d ground states by a random potential of impurities, which compensates, in the low temperature limit, the fluctuation contribution to free energy. These results provide a direct experimental confirmation of the fluctuation origin of the ground state in a real frustrated system. The change of the ground state to a least collinear configuration reveals an effective positive biquadratic exchange provided by the structural disorder. On heating, doped samples regain the structure of a pure compound thus allowing for an investigation of the remarkable competition between thermal and structural disorder.
All-electrical control of a dynamic magnetoelectric effect is demonstrated in a classical multiferroic manganite DyMnO3, a material containing coupled antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric orders. Due to intrinsic magnetoelectric coupling with electrom agnons a linearly polarized terahertz light rotates upon passing through the sample. The amplitude and the direction of the polarization rotation are defined by the orientation of ferroelectric domains and can be switched by static voltage. These experiments allow the terahertz polarization to be tuned using the dynamic magnetoelectric effect.
RbFe(MoO4)2 is a quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) triangular lattice antiferromagnet (TLA) that displays a zero-field magnetically-driven multiferroic phase with a chiral spin structure. By inelastic neutron scattering, we determine quantitatively th e spin Hamiltonian. We show that the easy-plane anisotropy is nearly 1/3 of the dominant spin exchange, making RbFe(MoO4)2 an excellent system for studying the physics of the model 2D easy-plane TLA. Our measurements demonstrate magnetic-field induced fluctuations in this material to stabilize the generic finite-field phases of the 2D XY TLA. We further explain how Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions can generate ferroelectricity only in the zero field phase. Our conclusion is that multiferroicity in RbFe(MoO4)2, and its absence at high fields, results from the generic properties of the 2D XY TLA.
The control of multiferroic domains through external electric fields has been studied by dielectric measurements and by polarized neutron diffraction on single-crystalline TbMnO$_3$. Full hysteresis cycles were recorded by varying an external field o f the order of several kV/mm and by recording the chiral magnetic scattering as well as the charge in a sample capacitor. Both methods yield comparable coercive fields that increase upon cooling.
Detailed investigation of the incommensurate magnetic ordering in a single crystal of multiferroic NdMn2O5 has been performed using both non-polarized and polarized neutron diffraction techniques. Below TN = 30.5 K magnetic Bragg reflections correspo nding to the non-chiral type magnetic structure with propagation vector k1 = (0.5 0 kz1) occurs. Below about 27 K a new distorted magnetic modulation with a similar vector kz2 occurs, which is attributed to the magnetization of the Nd3+ ions by the Mn-sub-lattice. Strong temperature hysteresis in the occurrence of the incommensurate magnetic phases in NdMn2O5 was observed depending on the cooling or heating history of the sample. Below about 20 K the magnetic structure became of a chiral type. From spherical neutron polarimetry measurements, the resulting low-temperature magnetic structure kz3 was approximated by the general elliptic helix. The parameters of the magnetic helix-like ellipticity and helical plane orientation in regard to the crystal structure were determined. A reorientation of the helix occurs at an intermediate temperature between 4 K and 18 K. A difference between the population of right- and left-handed chiral domains of about 0.2 was observed in the as-grown crystal when cooling without an external electric field. The magnetic chiral ratio can be changed by the application of an external electric field of a few kV/cm, revealing strong magnetoelectric coupling. A linear dependence of the magnetic chirality on the applied electric field in NdMn2O5 was found. The results are discussed within the frame of the antisymmetric super-exchange model for Dzyaloshinsky-Moria interaction.
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