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Synchronizability of networks with strongly delayed links: A universal classification

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 نشر من قبل Valentin Flunkert
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that for large coupling delays the synchronizability of delay-coupled networks of identical units relates in a simple way to the spectral properties of the network topology. The master stability function used to determine stability of synchronous solutions has a universal structure in the limit of large delay: it is rotationally symmetric around the origin and increases monotonically with the radius in the complex plane. We give details of the proof of this structure and discuss the resulting universal classification of networks with respect to their synchronization properties. We illustrate this classification by means of several prototype network topologies.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Stability of synchronization in delay-coupled networks of identical units generally depends in a complicated way on the coupling topology. We show that for large coupling delays synchronizability relates in a simple way to the spectral properties of the network topology. The master stability function used to determine stability of synchronous solutions has a universal structure in the limit of large delay: it is rotationally symmetric around the origin and increases monotonically with the radius in the complex plane. This allows a universal classification of networks with respect to their synchronization properties and solves the problem of complete synchronization in networks with strongly delayed coupling.
Synchronization of chaotic units coupled by their time delayed variables are investigated analytically. A new type of cooperative behavior is found: sublattice synchronization. Although the units of one sublattice are not directly coupled to each oth er, they completely synchronize without time delay. The chaotic trajectories of different sublattices are only weakly correlated but not related by generalized synchronization. Nevertheless, the trajectory of one sublattice is predictable from the complete trajectory of the other one. The spectra of Lyapunov exponents are calculated analytically in the limit of infinite delay times, and phase diagrams are derived for different topologies.
Networks of nonlinear units with time-delayed couplings can synchronize to a common chaotic trajectory. Although the delay time may be very large, the units can synchronize completely without time shift. For networks of coupled Bernoulli maps, analyt ic results are derived for the stability of the chaotic synchronization manifold. For a single delay time, chaos synchronization is related to the spectral gap of the coupling matrix. For networks with multiple delay times, analytic results are obtained from the theory of polynomials. Finally, the analytic results are compared with networks of iterated tent maps and Lang-Kobayashi equations which imitate the behaviour of networks of semiconductor lasers.
We studied correlations between different nodes in small electronic networks with active links operating as jitter generators. Unexpectedly, we found that under certain conditions signals from the most remote nodes in the networks correlate stronger than signals from all of the other coupled nodes. The phenomenon resembles selective remote correlation between electrons in the Cooper pairs or entangled particles.
We study the effects of delayed coupling on timing and pattern formation in spatially extended systems of dynamic oscillators. Starting from a discrete lattice of coupled oscillators, we derive a generic continuum theory for collective modes of long wavelength. We use this approach to study spatial phase profiles of cellular oscillators in the segmentation clock, a dynamic patterning system of vertebrate embryos. Collective wave patterns result from the interplay of coupling delays and moving boundary conditions. We show that the phase profiles of collective modes depend on coupling delays.
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