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Strange correlations between remote nodes in networks comprising chaotic links

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 نشر من قبل Vladimir Manasson
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We studied correlations between different nodes in small electronic networks with active links operating as jitter generators. Unexpectedly, we found that under certain conditions signals from the most remote nodes in the networks correlate stronger than signals from all of the other coupled nodes. The phenomenon resembles selective remote correlation between electrons in the Cooper pairs or entangled particles.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

78 - Holger Schanz 2004
It is shown that the Husimi representations of chaotic eigenstates are strongly correlated along classical trajectories. These correlations extend across the whole system size and, unlike the corresponding eigenfunction correlations in configuration space, they persist in the semiclassical limit. A quantitative theory is developed on the basis of Gaussian wavepacket dynamics and random-matrix arguments. The role of symmetries is discussed for the example of time-reversal invariance.
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212 - Liao Xuhong , Xia Qinzhi , Qian Yu 2010
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223 - Yian Ma , Qijun Tan , Ruoshi Yuan 2012
In this paper, we demonstrate, first in literature known to us, that potential functions can be constructed in continuous dissipative chaotic systems and can be used to reveal their dynamical properties. To attain this aim, a Lorenz-like system is pr oposed and rigorously proved chaotic for exemplified analysis. We explicitly construct a potential function monotonically decreasing along the systems dynamics, revealing the structure of the chaotic strange attractor. The potential function can have different forms of construction. We also decompose the dynamical system to explain for the different origins of chaotic attractor and strange attractor. Consequently, reasons for the existence of both chaotic nonstrange attractors and nonchaotic strange attractors are clearly discussed within current decomposition framework.
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