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Spin dependent photoelectron tunnelling from GaAs into magnetic Cobalt

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 نشر من قبل Alistair Rowe
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The spin dependence of the photoelectron tunnel current from free standing GaAs films into out-of- plane magnetized Cobalt films is demonstrated. The measured spin asymmetry (A) resulting from a change in light helicity, reaches +/- 6% around zero applied tunnel bias and drops to +/- 2% at a bias of -1.6 V applied to the GaAs. This decrease is a result of the drop in the photoelectron spin polarization that results from a reduction in the GaAs surface recombination velocity. The sign of A changes with that of the Cobalt magnetization direction. In contrast, on a (nonmagnetic) Gold film A ~ 0%.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We inserted non-magnetic layers of Au and Cu into sputtered AlOx-based magnetic tunnel junctions and Meservey-Tedrow junctions in order to study their effect on tunnelling magnetoresistance (TMR) and spin polarization (TSP). When either Au or Cu are inserted into a Co/AlOx interface, we find that TMR and TSP remain finite and measurable for thicknesses up to several nanometres. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy shows that the Cu and Au interface layers are fully continuous when their thickness exceeds ~3 nm, implying that spin-polarized carriers penetrate the interface noble metal to dis- tances exceeding this value. A power law model based on exchange scattering is found to fit the data better than a phenomenological exponential decay. The discrepancy between these length scales and the much shorter ones reported from x-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies of magnetic proximitization is ascribed to the fact that our tunnelling transport measurements selectively probe s-like electrons close to the Fermi level. When a 0.1 nm thick Cu or Au layer is inserted within the Co, we find that the suppression of TMR and TSP is restored on a length scale of <=1 nm, indicating that this is a sufficient quantity of Co to form a fully spin-polarized band structure at the interface with the tunnel barrier.
A spin-dependent emission of optically oriented electrons from p-GaAs(Cs,O) into vacuum was experimentally observed in a magnetic field normal to the surface. This phenomenon is explained within the model which takes into account the jump in the elec tron g factor at the semiconductor-vacuum interface. Due to this jump, the effective electron affinity on the semiconductor surface depends on the mutual direction of optically oriented electron spins and the magnetic field, resulting in the spin-dependent photoemission. It is demonstrated that the observed effect can be used for the determination of spin diffusion length in semiconductors.
142 - D. Vu , S. Arscott , E. Peytavit 2010
The tunnel photocurrent between a gold surface and a free-standing semiconducting thin film excited from the rear by above bandgap light has been measured as a function of applied bias, tunnel distance and excitation light power. The results are comp ared with the predictions of a model which includes the bias dependence of the tunnel barrier height and the bias-induced decrease of surface recombination velocity. It is found that i) the tunnel photocurrent from the conduction band dominates that from surface states. ii) At large tunnel distance the exponential bias dependence of the current is explained by that of the tunnel barrier height, while at small distance the change of surface recombination velocity is dominant.
We investigated the spin-dependent transport properties of a lateral spin-valve device with a 600 nm-long GaAs channel and ferromagnetic MnGa electrodes with perpendicular magnetization. Its current-voltage characteristics show nonlinear behavior bel ow 50 K, indicating that tunnel transport through the MnGa/GaAs Schottky barrier is dominant at low temperatures. We observed clear magnetoresistance (MR) ratio up to 12% at 4 K when applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the film plane. Furthermore, a large spin-dependent output voltage of 33 mV is obtained. These values are the highest in lateral ferromagnetic metal / semiconductor / ferromagnetic metal spin-valve devices reported so far.
A novel spin-spin coupling mechanism that occurs during the transport of spin-polarized minority electrons in semiconductors is described. Unlike the Coulomb spin drag, this coupling arises from the ambipolar electric field which is created by the di fferential movement of the photoelectrons and the photoholes. Like the Coulomb spin drag, it is a pure spin coupling that does not affect charge diffusion. Experimentally, the coupling is studied in $p^+$ GaAs using polarized microluminescence. The coupling manifests itself as an excitation power dependent reduction in the spin polarization at the excitation spot textit{without} any change of the spatially averaged spin polarization.
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