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Conserved spin and orbital phase along carbon nanotubes connected with multiple ferromagnetic contacts

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 نشر من قبل Takis Kontos
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report on spin dependent transport measurements in carbon nanotubes based multi-terminal circuits. We observe a gate-controlled spin signal in non-local voltages and an anomalous conductance spin signal, which reveal that both the spin and the orbital phase can be conserved along carbon nanotubes with multiple ferromagnetic contacts. This paves the way for spintronics devices exploiting both these quantum mechanical degrees of freedom on the same footing.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present an investigation of different thin-film evaporated ferromagnetic materials for their suitability as electrodes in individual single-wall and multi-wall carbon nanotube-based spin devices. Various electrode shapes made from permalloy (Ni_{8 1}Fe_{19}), the diluted ferromagnet PdFe, and PdFe/Fe bilayers are studied for both their micromagnetic properties and their contact formation to carbon nanotubes. Suitable devices are tested in low-temperature electron transport measurements, displaying the typical tunneling magnetoresistance of carbon nanotube pseudo spin valves.
We present a fabrication scheme called fork stamping optimized for the dry transfer of individual pristine carbon nanotubes (CNTs) onto ferromagnetic contact electrodes fabricated by standard lithography. We demonstrate the detailed recipes for a res idue-free device fabrication and in-situ current annealing on suspended CNT spin-valve devices with ferromagnetic Permalloy (Py) contacts and report preliminary transport characterization and magnetoresistance experiments at cryogenic temperatures. This scheme can directly be used to implement more complex device structures, including multiple gates or superconducting contacts.
284 - S. Krompiewski 2008
This contribution reports on comparative studies on giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanoribbons of similar aspect ratios (i.e perimeter/length and width/length ratios, for the former and the latter, respectively) . The problem is solved at zero temperature in the ballistic transport regime, by means of the Greens functions technique within the tight-binding model and with the so-called wide band approximation for electrodes. The GMR effect in graphene is comparable to that of CNTs, it depends strongly on the chirality and only slightly on the aspect ratio. It turns out that graphene, analogously to CNTs may be quite an interesting material for spintronic applications.
Electrons in atoms possess both spin and orbital degrees of freedom. In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, these are independent, resulting in large degeneracies in atomic spectra. However, relativistic effects couple the spin and orbital motion lea ding to the well-known fine structure in their spectra. The electronic states in defect-free carbon nanotubes (NTs) are widely believed to be four-fold degenerate, due to independent spin and orbital symmetries, and to also possess electron-hole symmetry. Here we report measurements demonstrating that in clean NTs the spin and orbital motion of electrons are coupled, thereby breaking all of these symmetries. This spin-orbit coupling is directly observed as a splitting of the four-fold degeneracy of a single electron in ultra-clean quantum dots. The coupling favours parallel alignment of the orbital and spin magnetic moments for electrons and anti-parallel alignment for holes. Our measurements are consistent with recent theories that predict the existence of spin-orbit coupling in curved graphene and describe it as a spin-dependent topological phase in NTs. Our findings have important implications for spin-based applications in carbon-based systems, entailing new design principles for the realization of qubits in NTs and providing a mechanism for all-electrical control of spins in NTs.
We observed the coulomb blockade phenomena in ferromagnetic contacting single wall semiconducting carbon nanotube devices. No obvious Coulomb peaks shift was observed with existing only the Zeeman splitting at 4K. Combining with other effects, the fe rromagnetic leads prevent the orbital spin states splitting with magnetic field up to 2 Tesla at 4K. With increasing magnetic field further, both positive or negative coulomb peaks shift slopes are observed associating with clockwise and anticlockwise orbital state splitting. The strongly suppressed/enhanced of the conductance has been observed associating with the magnetic field induced orbital states splitting/converging.
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