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Topological phase transition in complex networks

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 نشر من قبل Heiko Bauke
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Preferential attachment is a central paradigm in the theory of complex networks. In this contribution we consider various generalizations of preferential attachment including for example node removal and edge rewiring. We demonstrate that generalized preferential attachment networks can undergo a topological phase transition. This transition separates networks having a power-law tail degree distribution from those with an exponential tail. The appearance of the phase transition is closely related to the breakdown of the continuous variable description of the network dynamics.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

195 - Jin-Hua Zhao , Hai-Jun Zhou , 2013
Percolation theory concerns the emergence of connected clusters that percolate through a networked system. Previous studies ignored the effect that a node outside the percolating cluster may actively induce its inside neighbours to exit the percolati ng cluster. Here we study this inducing effect on the classical site percolation and K-core percolation, showing that the inducing effect always causes a discontinuous percolation transition. We precisely predict the percolation threshold and core size for uncorrelated random networks with arbitrary degree distributions. For low-dimensional lattices the percolation threshold fluctuates considerably over realizations, yet we can still predict the core size once the percolation occurs. The core sizes of real-world networks can also be well predicted using degree distribution as the only input. Our work therefore provides a theoretical framework for quantitatively understanding discontinuous breakdown phenomena in various complex systems.
The Potts model is one of the most popular spin models of statistical physics. The prevailing majority of work done so far corresponds to the lattice version of the model. However, many natural or man-made systems are much better described by the top ology of a network. We consider the q-state Potts model on an uncorrelated scale-free network for which the node-degree distribution manifests a power-law decay governed by the exponent lambda. We work within the mean-field approximation, since for systems on random uncorrelated scale-free networks this method is known to often give asymptotically exact results. Depending on particular values of q and lambda one observes either a first-order or a second-order phase transition or the system is ordered at any finite temperature. In a case study, we consider the limit q=1 (percolation) and find a correspondence between the magnetic exponents and those describing percolation on a scale-free network. Interestingly, logarithmic corrections to scaling appear at lambda=4 in this case.
100 - Gabin Laurent 2021
Homochirality, i.e. the dominance across all living matter of one enantiomer over the other among chiral molecules, is thought to be a key step in the emergence of life. Building on ideas put forward by Frank and many others, we proposed recently one such mechanism in G. Laurent et al., PNAS (2021) based on the properties of large out of equilibrium chemical networks. We showed that in such networks, a phase transition towards an homochiral state is likely to occur as the number of chiral species in the system becomes large or as the amount of free energy injected into the system increases. This paper aims at clarifying some important points in that scenario, not covered by our previous work. We first analyze the various conventions used to measure chirality, introduce the notion of chiral symmetry of a network, and study its implications regarding the relative chiral signs adopted by different groups of molecules. We then propose a generalization of Franks model for large chemical networks, which we characterize completely using methods of random matrices. This analysis can be extended to sparse networks, which shows that the emergence of homochirality is a robust transition.
The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) is generalized to a class of multi-level systems and applied to study the quenching dynamics of one-dimensional (1D) topological superconductors (TS) with open ends. Unlike the periodic boundary condition, the open bo undary condition, that is crucial for the zero-mode Majorana states localized at the boundaries, requires to consider many coupled levels. which is ultimately related to the zero-mode Majorana modes. Our generalized KZM predictions agree well with the numerically exact results for the 1D TS.
In quantum many-body systems with local interactions, the effects of boundary conditions are considered to be negligible, at least for sufficiently large systems. Here we show an example of the opposite. We consider a spin chain with two competing in teractions, set on a ring with an odd number of sites. When only the dominant interaction is antiferromagnetic, and thus induces topological frustration, the standard antiferromagnetic order (expressed by the magnetization) is destroyed. When also the second interaction turns from ferro to antiferro, an antiferromagnetic order characterized by a site-dependent magnetization which varies in space with an incommensurate pattern, emerges. This modulation results from a ground state degeneracy, which allows to break the translational invariance. The transition between the two cases is signaled by a discontinuity in the first derivative of the ground state energy and represents a quantum phase transition induced by a special choice of boundary conditions.
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