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In batch reinforcement learning, there can be poorly explored state-action pairs resulting in poorly learned, inaccurate models and poorly performing associated policies. Various regularization methods can mitigate the problem of learning overly-comp lex models in Markov decision processes (MDPs), however they operate in technically and intuitively distinct ways and lack a common form in which to compare them. This paper unifies three regularization methods in a common framework -- a weighted average transition matrix. Considering regularization methods in this common form illuminates how the MDP structure and the state-action pair distribution of the batch data set influence the relative performance of regularization methods. We confirm intuitions generated from the common framework by empirical evaluation across a range of MDPs and data collection policies.
American football is an increasingly popular sport, with a growing audience in many countries in the world. The most watched American football league in the world is the United States National Football League (NFL), where every offensive play can be either a run or a pass, and in this work we focus on passes. Many factors can affect the probability of pass completion, such as receiver separation from the nearest defender, distance from receiver to passer, offense formation, among many others. When predicting the completion probability of a pass, it is essential to know who the target of the pass is. By using distance measures between players and the ball, it is possible to calculate empirical probabilities and predict very accurately who the target will be. The big question is: how likely is it for a pass to be completed in an NFL match while the ball is in the air? We developed a machine learning algorithm to answer this based on several predictors. Using data from the 2018 NFL season, we obtained conditional and marginal predictions for pass completion probability based on a random forest model. This is based on a two-stage procedure: first, we calculate the probability of each offensive player being the pass target, then, conditional on the target, we predict completion probability based on the random forest model. Finally, the general completion probability can be calculated using the law of total probability. We present animations for selected plays and show the pass completion probability evolution.
We introduce WildWood (WW), a new ensemble algorithm for supervised learning of Random Forest (RF) type. While standard RF algorithms use bootstrap out-of-bag samples to compute out-of-bag scores, WW uses these samples to produce improved predictions given by an aggregation of the predictions of all possible subtrees of each fully grown tree in the forest. This is achieved by aggregation with exponential weights computed over out-of-bag samples, that are computed exactly and very efficiently thanks to an algorithm called context tree weighting. This improvement, combined with a histogram strategy to accelerate split finding, makes WW fast and competitive compared with other well-established ensemble methods, such as standard RF and extreme gradient boosting algorithms.
In this paper, we develop a distributionally robust chance-constrained formulation of the Optimal Power Flow problem (OPF) whereby the system operator can leverage contextual information. For this purpose, we exploit an ambiguity set based on probabi lity trimmings and optimal transport through which the dispatch solution is protected against the incomplete knowledge of the relationship between the OPF uncertainties and the context that is conveyed by a sample of their joint probability distribution. We provide an exact reformulation of the proposed distributionally robust chance-constrained OPF problem under the popular conditional-value-at-risk approximation. By way of numerical experiments run on a modified IEEE-118 bus network with wind uncertainty, we show how the power system can substantially benefit from taking into account the well-known statistical dependence between the point forecast of wind power outputs and its associated prediction error. Furthermore, the experiments conducted also reveal that the distributional robustness conferred on the OPF solution by our probability-trimmings-based approach is superior to that bestowed by alternative approaches in terms of expected cost and system reliability.
469 - Huan Qing 2021
This paper considers the problem of modeling and estimating community memberships of nodes in a directed network where every row (column) node is associated with a vector determining its membership in each row (column) community. To model such direct ed network, we propose directed degree corrected mixed membership (DiDCMM) model by considering degree heterogeneity. DiDCMM is identifiable under popular conditions for mixed membership network when considering degree heterogeneity. Based on the cone structure inherent in the normalized version of the left singular vectors and the simplex structure inherent in the right singular vectors of the population adjacency matrix, we build an efficient algorithm called DiMSC to infer the community membership vectors for both row nodes and column nodes. By taking the advantage of DiMSCs equivalence algorithm which returns same estimations as DiMSC and the recent development on row-wise singular vector deviation, we show that the proposed algorithm is asymptotically consistent under mild conditions by providing error bounds for the inferred membership vectors of each row node and each column node under DiDCMM. The theory is supplemented by a simulation study.
Cloud networks are difficult to monitor because they grow rapidly and the budgets for monitoring them are limited. We propose a framework for estimating network metrics, such as latency and packet loss, with guarantees on estimation errors for a fixe d monitoring budget. Our proposed algorithms produce a distribution of probes across network paths, which we then monitor; and are based on A- and E-optimal experimental designs in statistics. Unfortunately, these designs are too computationally costly to use at production scale. We propose their scalable and near-optimal approximations based on the Frank-Wolfe algorithm. We validate our approaches in simulation on real network topologies, and also using a production probing system in a real cloud network. We show major gains in reducing the probing budget compared to both production and academic baselines, while maintaining low estimation errors, even with very low probing budgets.
Building surrogate models is one common approach when we attempt to learn unknown black-box functions. Bayesian optimization provides a framework which allows us to build surrogate models based on sequential samples drawn from the function and find t he optimum. Tuning algorithmic parameters to optimize the performance of large, complicated black-box application codes is a specific important application, which aims at finding the optima of black-box functions. Within the Bayesian optimization framework, the Gaussian process model produces smooth or continuous sample paths. However, the black-box function in the tuning problem is often non-smooth. This difficult tuning problem is worsened by the fact that we usually have limited sequential samples from the black-box function. Motivated by these issues encountered in tuning, we propose a novel additive Gaussian process model called clustered Gaussian process (cGP), where the additive components are induced by clustering. In the examples we studied, the performance can be improved by as much as 90% among repetitive experiments. By using this surrogate model, we want to capture the non-smoothness of the black-box function. In addition to an algorithm for constructing this model, we also apply the model to several artificial and real applications to evaluate it.
In recent years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained increasing popularity and have shown very promising results for data that are represented by graphs. The majority of GNN architectures are designed based on developing new convolutional and/or pooling layers that better extract the hidden and deeper representations of the graphs to be used for different prediction tasks. The inputs to these layers are mainly the three default descriptors of a graph, node features $(X)$, adjacency matrix $(A)$, and edge features $(W)$ (if available). To provide a more enriched input to the network, we propose a random walk data processing of the graphs based on three selected lengths. Namely, (regular) walks of length 1 and 2, and a fractional walk of length $gamma in (0,1)$, in order to capture the different local and global dynamics on the graphs. We also calculate the stationary distribution of each random walk, which is then used as a scaling factor for the initial node features ($X$). This way, for each graph, the network receives multiple adjacency matrices along with their individual weighting for the node features. We test our method on various molecular datasets by passing the processed node features to the network in order to perform several classification and regression tasks. Interestingly, our method, not using edge features which are heavily exploited in molecular graph learning, let a shallow network outperform well known deep GNNs.
Probabilistic time-series forecasting enables reliable decision making across many domains. Most forecasting problems have diverse sources of data containing multiple modalities and structures. Leveraging information as well as uncertainty from these data sources for well-calibrated and accurate forecasts is an important challenging problem. Most previous work on multi-modal learning and forecasting simply aggregate intermediate representations from each data view by simple methods of summation or concatenation and do not explicitly model uncertainty for each data-view. We propose a general probabilistic multi-view forecasting framework CAMul, that can learn representations and uncertainty from diverse data sources. It integrates the knowledge and uncertainty from each data view in a dynamic context-specific manner assigning more importance to useful views to model a well-calibrated forecast distribution. We use CAMul for multiple domains with varied sources and modalities and show that CAMul outperforms other state-of-art probabilistic forecasting models by over 25% in accuracy and calibration.
Machine learning techniques allow a direct mapping of atomic positions and nuclear charges to the potential energy surface with almost ab-initio accuracy and the computational efficiency of empirical potentials. In this work we propose a machine lear ning method for constructing high-dimensional potential energy surfaces based on feed-forward neural networks. As input to the neural network we propose an extendable invariant local molecular descriptor constructed from geometric moments. Their formulation via pairwise distance vectors and tensor contractions allows a very efficient implementation on graphical processing units (GPUs). The atomic species is encoded in the molecular descriptor, which allows the restriction to one neural network for the training of all atomic species in the data set. We demonstrate that the accuracy of the developed approach in representing both chemical and configurational spaces is comparable to the one of several established machine learning models. Due to its high accuracy and efficiency, the proposed machine-learned potentials can be used for any further tasks, for example the optimization of molecular geometries, the calculation of rate constants or molecular dynamics.

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