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Societies change through time, entailing changes in behaviors and institutions. We ask how social change occurs when behaviors and institutions are interdependent. We model a group-structured society in which the transmission of individual behavior o ccurs in parallel with the selection of group-level institutions. We consider a cooperative behavior that generates collective benefits for groups but does not spread between individuals on its own. Groups exhibit institutions that increase the diffusion of the behavior within the group, but also incur a group cost. Groups adopt institutions in proportion to their fitness. Finally, cooperative behavior may also spread globally. As expected, we find that cooperation and institutions are mutually reinforcing. But the model also generates behavioral source-sink dynamics when cooperation generated in institutional groups spreads to non-institutional groups, boosting their fitness. Consequently, the global diffusion of cooperation creates a pattern of institutional free-riding that limits the evolution of group-beneficial institutions. Our model suggests that, in a group-structured society, large-scale change in behavior and institutions (i.e. social change) can be best achieved when the two remain correlated, such as through the spread successful pilot programs.
Over the past two decades, complex network theory provided the ideal framework for investigating the intimate relationships between the topological properties characterizing the wiring of connections among a systems unitary components and its emergen t synchronized functioning. An increased number of setups from the real world found therefore a representation in term of graphs, while more and more sophisticated methods were developed with the aim of furnishing a realistic description of the connectivity patterns under study. In particular, a significant number of systems in physics, biology and social science features a time-varying nature of the interactions among their units. We here give a comprehensive review of the major results obtained by contemporary studies on the emergence of synchronization in time-varying networks. In particular, two paradigmatic frameworks will be described in details. The first encompasses those systems where the time dependence of the nodes connections is due to adaptation, external forces, or any other process affecting each of the links of the network. The second framework, instead, corresponds to the case in which the structural evolution of the graph is due to the movement of the nodes, or agents, in physical spaces and to the fact that interactions may be ruled by space-dependent laws in a way that connections are continuously switched on and off in the course of the time. Finally, our report ends with a short discussion on promising directions and open problems for future studies.
There is a contradiction at the heart of our current understanding of individual and collective mobility patterns. On one hand, a highly influential stream of literature on human mobility driven by analyses of massive empirical datasets finds that hu man movements show no evidence of characteristic spatial scales. There, human mobility is described as scale-free. On the other hand, in geography, the concept of scale, referring to meaningful levels of description from individual buildings through neighborhoods, cities, regions, and countries, is central for the description of various aspects of human behavior such as socio-economic interactions, or political and cultural dynamics. Here, we resolve this apparent paradox by showing that day-to-day human mobility does indeed contain meaningful scales, corresponding to spatial containers restricting mobility behavior. The scale-free results arise from aggregating displacements across containers. We present a simple model, which given a persons trajectory, infers their neighborhoods, cities, and so on, as well as the sizes of these geographical containers. We find that the containers characterizing the trajectories of more than 700,000 individuals do indeed have typical sizes. We show that our model generates highly realistic trajectories without overfitting and provides a new lens through which to understand the differences in mobility behaviour across countries, gender groups, and urban-rural areas.
Pollutant emissions have been a topic of interest in the last decades. Not only environmentalists but also governments are taking rapid action to reduce emissions. As one of the main contributors, the transport sector is being subjected to strict scr utiny to ensure it complies with the short and long-term regulations. The measures imposed by the governments clearly involve, all the stakeholders in the logistics sector, from road authorities and logistic operators to truck manufacturers. Improvement of traffic conditions is one of the perspectives in which the reduction of emissions is being addressed. Optimization of traffic flow, avoidance of unnecessary stops, control of the cruise speed, and coordination of trips in an energy-efficient way are necessary steps to remain compliant with the upcoming regulations. In this study, we have measured the $CO_2$ and $NO_x$ emissions in heavy-duty vehicles while traversing signalized intersections and we examined the differences between various scenarios. We found that avoiding a stop can reduce $CO_2$ and $NO_x$ emissions on 0.32 kg and 1.8 g, respectively. These results put traffic control in the main scene as a yet unexplored dimension to control pollutant emissions, enabling the authorities to more accurately estimate cost-benefit plans for traffic control system investments.
Tens of thousands of parent companies control millions of subsidiaries through long chains of intermediary entities in global corporate networks. Conversely, tens of millions of entities are directly held by sole owners. We propose an algorithm for i dentification of ultimate controlling entities in such networks that unifies direct and indirect control and allows for continuous interpolation between the two concepts via a factor damping long paths. By exploiting onion-like properties of ownership networks the algorithm scales linearly with the network size and handles circular ownership by design. We apply it to the universe of 4.2 mln UK companies and 4 mln of their holders to understand the distribution of control in the country. Furthermore, we provide the first independent evaluation of the control identification results. We reveal that the proposed $alpha$-ICON algorithm identifies more than 96% of beneficiary entities from the evaluation set and supersedes the existing approaches reported in the literature. We refer the superiority of $alpha$-ICON algorithm to its ability to correctly identify the parents long away from their subsidiaries in the network.
Electrochemical energy storage is central to modern society -- from consumer electronics to electrified transportation and the power grid. It is no longer just a convenience but a critical enabler of the transition to a resilient, low-carbon economy. The large pluralistic battery research and development community serving these needs has evolved into diverse specialties spanning materials discovery, battery chemistry, design innovation, scale-up, manufacturing and deployment. Despite the maturity and the impact of battery science and technology, the data and software practices among these disparate groups are far behind the state-of-the-art in other fields (e.g. drug discovery), which have enjoyed significant increases in the rate of innovation. Incremental performance gains and lost research productivity, which are the consequences, retard innovation and societal progress. Examples span every field of battery research , from the slow and iterative nature of materials discovery, to the repeated and time-consuming performance testing of cells and the mitigation of degradation and failures. The fundamental issue is that modern data science methods require large amounts of data and the battery community lacks the requisite scalable, standardized data hubs required for immediate use of these approaches. Lack of uniform data practices is a central barrier to the scale problem. In this perspective we identify the data- and software-sharing gaps and propose the unifying principles and tools needed to build a robust community of data hubs, which provide flexible sharing formats to address diverse needs. The Battery Data Genome is offered as a data-centric initiative that will enable the transformative acceleration of battery science and technology, and will ultimately serve as a catalyst to revolutionize our approach to innovation.
Publish or perish is an expression describing the pressure on academics to consistently publish research to ensure a successful career in academia. With a global pandemic that has changed the world, how has it changed academic productivity? Here we s how that academics are posting just as many publications on the arXiv pre-print server as if there were no pandemic: 168,630 were posted in 2020, a +12.6% change from 2019 and $+1.4sigma$ deviation above the predicted 162,577 $pm$ 4,393. However, some immediate impacts are visible in individual research fields. Conference cancellations have led to sharp drops in pre-prints, but laboratory closures have had mixed effects. Only some experimental fields show mild declines in outputs, with most being consistent on previous years or even increasing above model expectations. The most significant change is a 50% increase ($+8sigma$) in quantitative biology research, all related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these publications are by biologists using arXiv for the first time, and some are written by researchers from other fields (e.g., physicists, mathematicians). While quantitative biology pre-prints have returned to pre-pandemic levels, 20% of the research in this field is now focussed on the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating a strong shift in research focus.
249 - Lei Hou , Xue Pan , Kecheng Liu 2021
Social media and online navigation bring us enjoyable experience in accessing information, and simultaneously create information cocoons (ICs) in which we are unconsciously trapped with limited and biased information. We provide a formal definition o f IC in the scenario of online navigation. Subsequently, by analyzing real recommendation networks extracted from Science, PNAS and Amazon websites, and testing mainstream algorithms in disparate recommender systems, we demonstrate that similarity-based recommendation techniques result in ICs, which suppress the system navigability by hundreds of times. We further propose a flexible recommendation strategy that solves the IC-induced problem and improves retrieval accuracy in navigation, demonstrated by simulations on real data and online experiments on the largest video website in China.
We study the impact on the epidemiological dynamics of a class of restrictive measures that are aimed at reducing the number of contacts of individuals who have a higher risk of being infected with a transmittable disease. Such measures are currently either implemented or at least discussed in numerous countries worldwide to ward off a potential new wave of COVID-19 across Europe. They come in the form of Health Passes (HP), which grant full access to public life only to individuals with a certificate that proves that they have either been fully vaccinated, have recovered from a previous infection or have recently tested negative to SARS-Cov-19 . We develop both a compartmental model as well as an epidemic Renormalisation Group approach, which is capable of describing the dynamics over a longer period of time, notably an entire epidemiological wave. Introducing differe
239 - M.V. Simkin 2021
Computing such correlation coefficient would be straightforward had we had available the rankings given by the prize committee to all scientists in the pool. In reality we only have citation rankings for all scientists. This means, however, that we h ave the ordinal rankings of the prize winners with regard to citation metrics. I use maximum likelihood method to infer the most probable correlation coefficient to produce the observed pattern of ordinal ranks of the prize winners. I get the correlation coefficients of 0.47 and 0.59 between the composite citation indicator and getting Abel Prize and Fields Medal, respectively. The correlation coefficient between getting a Nobel Prize and the Q-factor is 0.65. These coefficients are of the same magnitude as the correlation coefficient between Elo ratings of the chess players and their popularity measured as numbers of webpages mentioning the players.

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