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Motivated by the growing requirements on the operation of complex engineering systems, we present contracts as specifications for continuous-time linear dynamical systems with inputs and outputs. A contract is defined as a pair of assumptions and gua rantees, both characterized in a behavioural framework. The assumptions encapsulate the available information about the dynamic behaviour of the environment in which the system is supposed to operate, while the guarantees express the desired dynamic behaviour of the system when interconnected with relevant environments. In addition to defining contracts, we characterize contract implementation, and we find necessary conditions for the existence of an implementation. We also characterize contract refinement, which is used to characterize contract conjunction in two special cases. These concepts are then illustrated by an example of a vehicle following system.
190 - Konstantinos Tsinas 2021
We study mean convergence of multiple ergodic averages, where the iterates arise from smooth functions of polynomial growth that belong to a Hardy field. Our results include all logarithmico-exponential functions of polynomial growth, such as the fun ctions $t^{3/2}, tlog t$ and $e^{sqrt{log t}}$. We show that if all non-trivial linear combinations of the functions $a_1,...,a_k$ stay logarithmically away from rational polynomials, then the $L^2$-limit of the ergodic averages $frac{1}{N} sum_{n=1}^{N}f_1(T^{lfloor{a_1(n)}rfloor}x)cdots f_k(T^{lfloor{a_k(n)}rfloor}x)$ exists and is equal to the product of the integrals of the functions $f_1,...,f_k$ in ergodic systems, which establishes a conjecture of Frantzikinakis. Under some more general conditions on the functions $a_1,...,a_k$, we also find characteristic factors for convergence of the above averages and deduce a convergence result for weak-mixing systems.
In this paper, we extend the slow divergence-integral from slow-fast systems, due to De Maesschalck, Dumortier and Roussarie, to smooth systems that limit onto piecewise smooth ones as $epsilonrightarrow 0$. In slow-fast systems, the slow divergence- integral is an integral of the divergence along a canard cycle with respect to the slow time and it has proven very useful in obtaining good lower and upper bounds of limit cycles in planar polynomial systems. In this paper, our slow divergence-integral is based upon integration along a generalized canard cycle for a piecewise smooth two-fold bifurcation (of type visible-invisible called $VI_3$). We use this framework to show that the number of limit cycles in regularized piecewise smooth polynomial systems is unbounded.
We study Markov multi-maps of the interval from the point of view of topological dynamics. Specifically, we investigate whether they have various properties, including topological transitivity, topological mixing, dense periodic points, and specifica tion. To each Markov multi-map, we associate a shift of finite type (SFT), and then our main results relate the properties of the SFT with those of the Markov multi-map. These results complement existing work showing a relationship between the topological entropy of a Markov multi-map and its associated SFT. We also characterize when the inverse limit systems associated to the Markov multi-maps have the properties mentioned above.
In this article we study the existence of limit cycles in families of piecewise smooth differential equations having the unit circle as discontinuity region. We consider families presenting singularities of center or saddle type, visible or invisible , as well as the case without singularities. We establish an upper bound for the number of limit cycles and give examples showing that the maximum number of limit cycles can be reached. We also discuss the existence of homoclinic cycles for such differential equations in the saddle-center case.
111 - Unver c{C}iftc{c}i 2021
Recent developments on three body systems have revealed that dynamics of trajectories passing through collinear configurations can be easily adopted. We analyse the reduction procedure in order to detect the points where collinear configurations are deviating. Then we show that the value of the reduced Hamiltonian can be computed at these points.
151 - Enhui Shi , Hui Xu , Xiangdong Ye 2021
Let $G$ be a countable group and $X$ be a totally regular curve. Suppose that $phi:Grightarrow {rm Homeo}(X)$ is a minimal action. Then we show an alternative: either the action is topologically conjugate to isometries on the circle $mathbb S^1$ (thi s implies that $phi(G)$ contains an abelian subgroup of index at most 2), or has a quasi-Schottky subgroup (this implies that $G$ contains the free nonabelian group $mathbb Z*mathbb Z$). In order to prove the alternative, we get a new characterization of totally regular curves by means of the notion of measure; and prove an escaping lemma holding for any minimal group action on infinite compact metric spaces, which improves a trick in Margulis proof of the alternative in the case that $X=mathbb S^1$.
This paper proposes a unified approach for studying global exponential stability of a general class of switched systems described by time-varying nonlinear functional differential equations. Some new delay-independent criteria of global exponential s tability are established for this class of systems under arbitrary switching which satisfies some assumptions on the average dwell time. The obtained criteria are shown to cover and improve many previously known results, including, in particular, sufficient conditions for absolute exponential stability of switched time-delay systems with sector nonlinearities. Some simple examples are given to illustrate the proposed method.
135 - Vahid Rezaei 2021
A graph theoretic framework recently has been proposed to stabilize interconnected multiagent systems in a distributed fashion, while systematically capturing the architectural aspect of cyber-physical systems with separate agent or physical layer an d control or cyber layer. Based on that development, in addition to the modeling uncertainties over the agent layer, we consider a scenario where the control layer is subject to the denial of service attacks. We propose a step-by-step procedure to design a control layer that, in the presence of the aforementioned abnormalities, guarantees a level of robustness and resiliency for the final two-layer interconnected multiagent system. The incorporation of an event-triggered strategy further ensures an effective use of the limited energy and communication resources over the control layer. We theoretically prove the resilient, robust, and Zeno-free convergence of all state trajectories to the origin and, via a simulation study, discuss the feasibility of the proposed ideas.
We introduce a family of discrete dynamical systems which includes, and generalizes, the mutation dynamics of rank two cluster algebras. These systems exhibit behavior associated with integrability, namely preservation of a symplectic form, and in th e tropical case, the existence of a conserved quantity. We show in certain cases that the orbits are unbounded. The tropical dynamics are related to matrix mutation, from the theory of cluster algebras. We are able to show that in certain special cases, the tropical map is periodic. We also explain how our dynamics imply the asymptotic sign-coherence observed by Gekhtman and Nakanishi in the $2$-dimensional situation.

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